
Regular Intake of Breakfast Helps Reduce Food Craving and Overeating
Mar 19, 2013 07:41 AM EDT

Study Links Food Memories to Weight Loss

According to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, if the person recalls the last meal as being filling and satisfying, they are more likely to consume less food in their next meals.

Sea Lion
Mar 19, 2013 04:49 AM EDT

Hundreds of Dehydrated Stranded Sea Lion Pups Baffle Scientists

Hundreds of emaciated and dehydrated sea lion pups have been found washed ashore on Southern California's beaches in recent months. Scientists are trying to analyze the cause of this phenomenon but are unable to uncover the mystery behind such a huge stranding, reports Daily Mail.

Male Lions Adopt Ambush Style Hunting: Study
Mar 19, 2013 04:11 AM EDT

Male Lions Adopt Ambush Style Hunting: Study

A study conducted by a team of researchers from Carnegie's Scott Loarie and Greg Asner shows how the male lions adopt the style of ambush hunting in Africa using the dense savanna vegetation as an aid.

Bacterial Gene Sweep
Mar 19, 2013 12:10 AM EDT

Unique Genetic Code Of SR1 Bacteria Decrypted

The SR1 bacteria is a group of microbes that live in the human mounth, among many other places, but that have never been cultivated in a laboratory until now.

NASAs Rover To Begin Mission on Mars From August
Mar 18, 2013 11:33 PM EDT

NASA's Curiosity Rover in Standby Following Computer Glitch

After accomplishing one of its main mission goals – find evidences of life in Mars –NASA’s Curiosity rover has gone into safe mode over the weekend due to a computer glitch, the mission chief scientist, John Grotzinger, said Monday.

Five fossil human skulls
Mar 18, 2013 10:52 PM EDT

Evidence of Inbreeding Found in Early Humans Skulls

Evidence that early humans may have practiced inbreeding has been found in fossils, researchers announced Monday according to an article published on the journal PLOS ONE.

Mar 18, 2013 04:58 PM EDT

Rockefeller University Team Maps Gene 'Shortcut' to Hunt for Disease-Causing Genes

Current techniques for identifying disease-causing genes in patients can produce hundreds of potential gene candidates, making it difficult for scientists to pinpoint the single causative gene. Yet a research team led by Rockefeller University has created a map of gene "shortcuts" to simplify the hu...

Mar 18, 2013 04:17 PM EDT

Bee Swarm Kills Dog: 5-year-old Pitbull Dead in Southern California, likely due to Africanized Bees (VIDEO)

A swarm of bees attacked and killed a North Hollywood, Calif., pitbull after a neighbor cut down a tree that housed a hive Saturday. Reports indicate the bee's aggressive nature may have been that of Africanized honey bees.

Significant Drop in Female Genital warts Due to Free HPV Vaccine
Mar 18, 2013 03:40 PM EDT

40 Percent of Parents Fear HPV Vaccine Unsafe for Teens

In an analysis of national survey data, more than 40 percent of parents reported in 2010 that they did not intend to vaccinate their adolescent female children with the HPV vaccine, according to Dr. Paul Darden of the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center in Oklahoma City and colleagues.

unique ring galaxy
Mar 18, 2013 03:37 PM EDT

Mysterious Ring Galaxy With Unique Shape Imaged by Hubble [Photo]

A rare variant in the sky around us includes ring galaxies like the one pictured here, bearing the designation Zw II 28.

Minke Whale Skeleton
Mar 18, 2013 03:14 PM EDT

Nine New Deep-Sea Species Discovered on Whale Skeleton in Antarctica

Researchers have discovered nine new deep-sea species located on the remains of a whale in Antarctica.

Protein Rich Breakfast Curbs Appetite throughout the Morning
Mar 18, 2013 03:00 PM EDT

Miracle Chicken Eggs: Chinese Bird Lays Triple-Sized Eggs (VIDEO)

In China, there's something eggstraordinary going on--a chicken is laying enormous eggs.

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