
Virtual World Affects Real World Behaviour: Study
Mar 15, 2013 08:41 AM EDT

Video Games Improve Visual Search: Study

According to researchers from the University of Toronto, those who play shooting or driving video games even for a short time improve their ability to hunt for a target hidden among other distractions in a complex scene.

New Screening  Method May Detect Ovarian Cancer at Early Stages
Mar 15, 2013 07:21 AM EDT

Working Night Shifts Linked to Increased Risk of Ovarian Cancer

A recent study published in Occupational and Environmental Medicine suggests that women working night shifts are at a higher risk of ovarian cancer.

Mar 15, 2013 06:45 AM EDT

Five-Organ Transplant Patient Delivers Baby Girl

A miracle baby was born to a woman who received a new liver, pancreas, stomach and large and small intestine in 2007 at Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miami, making this the first known case of its kind.

Mar 15, 2013 04:49 AM EDT

Green Tea and Coffee Reduce Stroke Risk

Green tea is considered as a natural gift since it is known to keep one healthy and fit. The same goes with coffee, as it stimulates one into action. If you are a routine coffee or tea drinker, you can continue with the habit, as researchers have found that it lowers one's risk of stroke considerabl...

Images showing two different aqueous environments
Mar 15, 2013 12:50 AM EDT

Microbes Fossil on Mars? Winnsboro Man Claims He Saw it First in 2004

The result of tests carried out by NASA’s Curiosity rover on Martian rocks is suggesting that the red planet might have harbored not only the conditions for life, but life itself in the form of some microbes.

Mar 15, 2013 12:10 AM EDT

Astronauts Stuck in Space Due to Foul Weather in Asia

The freezing rain and fog whipping Central Asia on Thursday has prevented astronauts in space from landing on Earth, NASA announced.

Microbial Life Migrated From Earth's Oceans to Land 2.75 Billion Years Ago
Mar 14, 2013 11:47 PM EDT

Microbes Have Huge Ecosystem Beneath Ocean Floors And Could Live On Other Planets Too

A vast underground world of microbe is buried hundreds of meters beneath the ocean floor inside of the oceanic crust, which in turn is covered by several kilometers of water, according to a new study that analyzed samples from such a location.

FDA Approves Striverdi Respimat to Treat Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Mar 14, 2013 11:08 PM EDT

Type 2 Diabetes Drugs May Cause Increased Risk of Pancreatic Cancer, FDA Investigating

There is new evident that a group of Type 2 diabetes drugs may increase patients risk of getting pancreatic cancer, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said Thursday, adding that they are looking into the research.

Technicians monitor data flow in the control room of an internet service provider in Tehran .
Mar 14, 2013 10:47 PM EDT

Super Fast Optical Communications Link Sets Crucial Power Efficiency Record

High-speed data transmission on the principle of fiber-optics was not accelerating as fast as the raw computing power of ever smaller chips during the past years.

Ancient Chinese fossil
Mar 14, 2013 08:45 PM EDT

Ancient Birds Had Four Wings, Fossils Reveal

A new study on fossil records revealed that some ancient birds had wings on their legs.

Trace Gas Orbiter
Mar 14, 2013 04:30 PM EDT

European Mars Rover Will Drill Deep And Directly Search For Life in 2018

Mars exploration and especially the search for past and current life on the Red Planet will be further escalated in the coming years. With ancient habitability now all but proven by the epochal results of the Curiosity rover revealed two days ago

Mar 14, 2013 04:10 PM EDT

Pluto May Have 10 More Itsy Bitsy Tiny Undiscovered Moons

Former planet Pluto may have more neighbors than previously imagined, according to new research.

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