
Peter Higgs
Mar 15, 2013 02:13 PM EDT

Higgs Boson: A 50-Year Walk From Theory to Reality

Scientists at CERN announced Thursday that it’s almost 100% certain that they have found the elusive Higgs boson – a crucial piece of the puzzle when it comes to explain why the universe has mass.

Climate Not to be Blamed For Extinction of Large Mammals
Mar 15, 2013 02:11 PM EDT

Just Because Science Can, Should We Bring Mammoths Back into Existence?

Could we be visiting a real life Jurassic Park sometime soon in the future? Scientists have the capabilities of genetically engineering long extinct species such as the woolly mammoth, passenger pigeon or other extinct species but the topic for discussion at a conference later on Friday, is should t...

Mar 15, 2013 02:01 PM EDT

Titanic Violin Found: Forensic Science Service Confirms the Instrument, Wallace Hartley's Band Lives On

Most things at the bottom of the ocean, whether it be mail, human bones or buried treasure, stay there-well, forever. Yet scientists have just uncovered a little piece of history that gives a new note to the Titanic.

President Obama
Mar 15, 2013 01:36 PM EDT

Obama to Announce $2 Bln Plan to Research Alternatives to Gasoline

President Obama plans to announce Friday that he will ask Congress for $2 billion in a bid to research alternatives to gasoline in a push to limit the United States dependency on oil, according to White House fact sheet.

Artificial Honey Bee Brain Soon
Mar 15, 2013 01:23 PM EDT

Social Bees Use Alarm Pheromones To Mark Danger Zones

Social bees were found to use chemical signals to warn other bees of their own species about the presence of a nearby predator by a study published this week in the journal Animal Behaviour.

Mar 15, 2013 11:59 AM EDT

Man Dies from Rabies Following Transplant, Not From Animal Bite: First Case Since 1976

Rabies, a viral disease typically contracted following a bite from an infected animal, is the reason why one Maryland patient died. However, he got the infection from an organ donor who had rabies after receiving a kidney transplant more than a year ago, the Centers for Disease Control and Preventio...

Mar 15, 2013 11:30 AM EDT

New Zealand Enduring Worst Droughts in 30 Years, Officials Say

When one thinks of New Zealand landscape, it's easy to think of all that beautiful, lush nature that were captured in scenes from "Lord of the Rings" where the trilogy was shot. However, New Zealand officials announced a drought across its entire North Island for the first time in at least 30 years ...

Study Shed Light on the How Brain and Inner Ear Developed in Dinosaurs
Mar 15, 2013 11:13 AM EDT

Four-Winged Bird: Fossils from China Suggest there were Feathered Dinosaurs

It certainly seems like something out of a sci-fi movie, but a new study on fossils suggests that more than 100 million years ago, birds living in what is now China sported wings on their legs.

Mar 15, 2013 10:13 AM EDT

"Functional Cure" for HIV, Patients Diagnosed Early Show Low Levels of Virus in Body

New research shows hope for those infected with the HIV virus--treating people with HIV rapidly after they have become infected with the virus that causes AIDS may be enough to achieve a "functional cure" in a small proportion of patients diagnosed early, according to new research.

Long Term Use of Cannabis Linked to Lack of Motivation to Work
Mar 15, 2013 09:44 AM EDT

Nevada Pot Legalization: Sixth State to Push Decriminalization of Drug, Lawmakers Preach Benefits of Marijuana

For those looking get a hit in Nevada, there's good news-a new pot legalization bill at the state-level is pushing the sales for cannabis.

Fossilized Remains of Giant Pelican Unearthed in Peru
Mar 15, 2013 09:19 AM EDT

Pelican Deaths Exceed 100 in Brevard County

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) report that the death toll of brown pelicans in Brevard County from Merritt Island to Melbourne crossed 100. The FWC officials are still investigating the reason for the death of so many of these birds.

Rare Giant Twin Pandas Born at Wolong Nature Reserve, China
Mar 15, 2013 08:59 AM EDT

Japan's Giant Pandas Put Back on Display at Ueno Zoo

Two giant pandas are put back on display Friday at the Ueno Zoo as zookeepers announced that the pandas' mating season was over. And they hope that the panda's attempts would bear fruit.

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