
Study Links Women’s Reproductive Function to Their Immune Status
Mar 14, 2013 03:40 PM EDT

Vast Majority of Postpartum Depression Not Treated, 1 in 7 Women at Risk for Psychiatric Disorder Following Delivery

Postpardum depression, a moderate to severe depression that occurs after a woman gives birth, usually lasts three months after delivery, and though the exact causes are unknown, a recent study shows that approximately one in seven mothers who give birth may be suffering from it.

Swiss space Systems spaceplane will launch from a Zero-G certified Airbus A300
Mar 14, 2013 03:32 PM EDT

New Commercial Space Company Launched: Swiss Space Systems [Video]

Swiss Space Systems, or S-3, is another commercial space launch company that looks to become a leader in the niche for nano and small satellites with an airplane and shuttle based launch system.

Mar 14, 2013 03:01 PM EDT

Children of Divorced Parents More Likely to Take Up Smoking

Divorce can be difficult on families, and a new study indicates that both genders from divorced families are significantly more likely to take up smoking in comparison to their peers whose families stayed intact.

Great white shark
Mar 14, 2013 02:48 PM EDT

2,000 Pound Great White Shark Caught, Tagged to Unlock Secrets [VIDEO]

A massive 2,000 pound shark has been caught, tagged and released back into the ocean off of Florida in a bid to provide more information on this toothy animal's habits and life cycle. The research team is currently working on analyzing the gathered data.

mars rock sample curiosity
Mar 14, 2013 02:11 PM EDT

Mars Curiosity Rover Team to Receive Smithsonian Award

Following the announcement by NASA that Mars did indeed have conditions sustainable for life, the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum said Thursday they will be awarding the team responsible for the successful landing of NASA's Mars Curiosity rover.

FDA Approves First Combination Pill 'Harvoni' to Treat Hepatitis C
Mar 14, 2013 01:00 PM EDT

FDA Approves Navidea’s Lymphoseek for Breast Cancer, Melanoma Patients

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Navidea Biopharmaceuticals Inc., Lymphoseek which is a radioactive imaging agent that checks if breast cancer or melanoma has spread to lymph nodes of a patient, the organization said in a statement released Thursday.

Mar 14, 2013 11:52 AM EDT

Monarch Butterflies' Population Steadily Declining, But Why?

The Monarch butterfly population is fast dwindling, as scientists record the lowest number of butterflies during their annual winter migration to Mexico. Their numbers have dropped 59 percent this year, dropping to the lowest level since comparable record-keeping began 20 years ago, the Mexican gove...

Mar 14, 2013 11:52 AM EDT

Pig Brains may Help Provide Answers about Human Cognitive Development

Remember the movie "Charlotte's Web?" Well, it just so turns out that a spider can't take all the credit for wits in this science experiment. Researchers believe that the developed model of a pig brain may be able to answer some important questions about human brain development.

Mar 14, 2013 11:30 AM EDT

Breast Cancer Radiation Can Cause Heart Problems Later On, Study Warns

Breast cancer patients treated with radiation are more prone to developing heart issues later on in life, even if the radiation is given in small amounts, according to a new study released Wednesday.

LHC proton-lead collisions CERN
Mar 14, 2013 11:06 AM EDT

Eureka! Higgs Boson Discovery Confirmed After Analysing Additional Data

Physicists from Large Hadron Collider said that they have new evidence that shows that the particle discovered in July 2012 is indeed the Higgs Boson- the subatomic particle that's associated with mechanism that gives mass to particles. The next step, physicists say, will be to identify the type of ...

Mar 14, 2013 02:04 AM EDT

Some Birds Show Ability of Human-Like Self-Control, Study Shows

Some birds of the corvid family and in particular cockatoos, which were subject of a study conducted by researchers from the University of Vienna, displayed a human-like behavior of self-control.

Mar 13, 2013 09:45 PM EDT

1 in 4 Colonoscopies in Medicare Patients Inappropriate According to University of Texas Study

Though a conoloscopy is one of the most effective cancer screenings for colon cancer, a new study shows that older Americans undergoing the procedure may not be getting an adequate treatment.

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