
Low Cholesterol Elevates Mortality Risk in Patients with Kidney Cancer
Mar 20, 2013 09:31 PM EDT

High-Dose Statins May Increase Acute Kidney Injury, Drug Used to Lower Cholesterol and Reduce Risk for Cardiovascular Disease

A new study indicates that there is a drug used to lower cholesterol can increase the risk of hospitalization for acute kidney injury.

Mar 20, 2013 09:03 PM EDT

Adolescents' Mental Health Can Benefit from Nutritious Family Dinners According to Institute of Health and Social Policy

According to a study from the Institute for Health and Social Policy, the contribution of regular family suppers supports good mental health in adolescents. Family meal times are a measurable signature of social exchanges in the home that benefit adolescents' well-being, regardless of whether or not...

Mar 20, 2013 07:19 PM EDT

Voyager Exits Solar System. Really? Not so Fast

The American Geophysical Union published an article on Wednesday which boldly announced that the Voyager 1 had left our Solar System.

Polar Bear
Mar 20, 2013 05:25 PM EDT

'The Bigger the Better?' In the Wild, Fatter Polar Bears Survive Longer

The saying "the bigger the better" can certainly be applied to some wild animals, and that includes polar bears.

Mar 20, 2013 04:41 PM EDT

Brain-Mapping Study Reveals Neurological Process of Decision Making in Rats

A new study shows that brain mapping can reveal the neurological basis of decision making in rats.

 CDC: 20 Percent of U.S. Teen Births are Repeat Birth
Mar 20, 2013 04:13 PM EDT

UK Public Supports IVF Procedure for 'Three-Parent' Babies

The UK public supports the technique that leaves a child with three genetic "parents," according to a new consultation into the controversial procedure.

Mar 20, 2013 03:20 PM EDT

Deer in Trunk Not Dead: Roadkill Escapes from Michigan Man's Car (Video)

A man who was transporting roadkill found that the "dead" deer wasn't as lifeless as he first thought.

F-1 Engine
Mar 20, 2013 02:26 PM EDT

Bezos Expeditions Recovers Lost Apollo 11 Rocket Engines from the Deep

Bezos Expeditions may have discovered the engines used in the Apollo 11 mission.

Sea Snake
Mar 20, 2013 01:37 PM EDT

Sea Snake 'Shrunken Heads' May Have Evolved Recently

Sea snakes that have developed "shrunken heads" may have evolved recently from their larger cousins, according to a new study.

Landsat 8 launch atlas V
Mar 20, 2013 12:48 PM EDT

U.S. Air Force Launches Missile Defense Satellite Today with Atlas V Rocket (Video)

The U.S. Air Force launched the GEO-2 missile defense satellite on Tuesday with a Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket.

Mar 20, 2013 12:06 PM EDT

New Species of Pterosaur Discovered by Four-Year-Old Girl

A new species of pterosaur was discovered by and named after a four-year-old girl.

Mar 20, 2013 11:12 AM EDT

Life-like, Digital Head May be Your New Personal Assistant (Video)

Ever wondered what Siri would look like? Researchers have created Zoe: a digital, talking head that can express a range of human emotions on demand.

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