
Psychiatric Drugs
Dec 15, 2016 02:26 AM EST

One In Six Adults In The U.S. Takes Psychiatric Drugs, Study Says

In the United States, one in six adults reported taking at least one psychiatric drug in 2013.

Meteorite Falls In Spain
Dec 15, 2016 02:20 AM EST

End Of The World: Flaming Meteorite Crashes On Earth That Shook The Ground; Will The Next One Wipe Out Humanity?

Will humanity be wiped out by the next object from space crashing to Earth?

French Guiana
Dec 15, 2016 02:15 AM EST

French Guiana Deforestation Linked To Increase In Infectious Tropical Disease

Deforestation in French Guiana has been linked to a rise in infectious tropical disease.

HD 163296
Dec 15, 2016 02:04 AM EST

Evidence Of Two Newborn Planets Discovered Around Young Star

A research team of scientists have reportedly discovered evidence of two infant planets orbiting around a young star.

Statins Alzheimer's
Dec 15, 2016 01:10 AM EST

Cholesterol-Lowering Statins Lower Risk Of Alzheimer's Disease

Statins, which are usually used to lower blood cholesterol levels, could reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

NASA News Update: Data Transmission Speed Between ISS And Ground Terminals Will Double In 2017
Dec 14, 2016 05:35 AM EST

NASA News Update: Data Transmission Speed Between ISS And Ground Terminals Will Double In 2017

The Space Network is upgrading its hardware to double the speed of live data transmission between the ISS and various space centers on Earth.

Must Have Android Games 2016: The Best Free Games Of The Year! ‘Pokemon Go’, ‘Clash Royale’, ‘Crashland’, ‘Asphalt-Extreme’ And More!
Dec 14, 2016 04:30 AM EST

Pokémon Go Latest Update Gen 2 Explained: Tips, Tricks To Get Newly Released Baby Pokémon

Pokémon Go Latest Update was recently and finally Niantic had added Pokémon from Gold and Silver to Pokémon Go. The new Pokémon can be hatched only from the existing egg system.

Nintendo Switch Live Reveal Stream on January 12
Dec 14, 2016 04:20 AM EST

Nintendo Switch Latest News & Release Date: Jan 12 Stream Set To Reveal Specs & Price, Here Is How You Tune In

The Nintendo Switch reveal stream is scheduled to happen at 11 pm EST on January 12. The gamers will hopefully be informed about the specs and price of the upcoming console.

Google Self Driving Car Waymo now in Business.
Dec 14, 2016 04:10 AM EST

Google Self Driving Car 'Waymo' Is Now In Business: Company Also Working On Driverless Truck & Bus

John Krafcik, CEO of Google self driving car project announced on December 13 that Waymo is now officially a business segment under Alphabet. The researchers are also working on self driving trucks and buses.

'Overwatch' Winter Wonderland
Dec 14, 2016 04:00 AM EST

'Overwatch' Winter Wonderland: Update Now Live, Collect Rewards Till January 2!

The massively popular game "Overwatch" has now released the Winter Wonderland update. The edition will run until January 2 and the rewards can be used after hpliday event, too.

Rings Form Around Star
Dec 14, 2016 03:59 AM EST

Rings Form Around A Young Star: Are These Planets In The Making?

Astronomers observed rings form around a star, hinting planet formation.

Antarctica And Global Warming
Dec 14, 2016 03:50 AM EST

Global Warming Takes A Toll On Antarctica: Ice Sheet Is Melting From Surface Down

The discovery of a 2-mile wide crater in Antarctica left scientists puzzled. The crater is caused by strong winds carrying warm air as a result of global warming.

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