
Berlin Hemp Parade 2016
Dec 13, 2016 03:20 AM EST

Marijuana News: Advocacy Group Filed A Petition Against The DEA For Misinformation With Regard To Cannabis Effects

Americans for Safe Access wants the DEA to change the claims on its website with regard to cannabis.

Eat Fatty Foods To Lose Weight
Dec 13, 2016 03:20 AM EST

Eat Fatty Foods To Lose Weight: New Research Done By Scientists At The University Of Ireland Suggests

According to a shocking research finding, eating fatty foods (natural fats not processed) with fewer amounts of carbohydrates can actually help in losing weight and becoming lean.

Dec 13, 2016 03:18 AM EST

Titan: Is Saturn's Moon The Next Option For Humans To Occupy?

Saturn's moon Titan was discovered to have rivers and lakes.

IFA 2015 Consumer Electronics And Appliances Trade Fair
Dec 13, 2016 03:13 AM EST

Charging With A Finger Swipe May Be Possible In Near Future

In the near future, it will take only a swipe of a finger to charge a phone.

Young People
Dec 13, 2016 03:10 AM EST

Heavy Alcohol Consumption May Affect Brain Development In Adolescents

In the study, cortical thinning was observable in young adults, who had been heavy drinkers throughout their adolescence.

Your Netgear router could already be hacked by someone.
Dec 13, 2016 03:10 AM EST

Stop Using Your Netgear Router Immediately: R6400, R7000 & R8000 Have Confirmed Security Issues, Here's How You Can Temporarily Fix Them

The vulnerability of the 3 models of Netgear Routers has been identified by CERT and has been accepted by Netgear. A temporary fix solves the issue until the device is rebooted.

Aliens Are Real Or Not?
Dec 13, 2016 03:09 AM EST

Aliens Are Real Or Not: People Will Find Out Soon, Thanks To The Telescope Microchip Developed By ANU

Scientists at ANU developed a new photonics based telescope microchip that will provide clear pictures of the surface of far away planets, which may show whether aliens are real.

The Earth Transitioning Into The Orange-Colored Troposphere
Dec 13, 2016 03:04 AM EST

Ammonia Detected In The Earth's Upper Troposphere For The First Time

Scientists found amounts of ammonia in the upper troposphere of Earth for the first time.

SpaceX CEO Elon Musk
Dec 13, 2016 03:00 AM EST

SpaceX By Elon Musk Again Tops The Space Category In The Recent Awards

2016 is a great year for Elon Musk as his companies and himself have a handful of awards.

Best Buy employees bought a teen a Wii U
Dec 13, 2016 03:00 AM EST

Best Buy: Employees Buy Wii U For Teen Who Visited & Played Super Smash Bros Everyday [VIDEO Inside]

The manager of the Best Buy store uploaded a video of the moment on YouTube which was well received by viewers. The teen was gifted the Wii U and all employees had contributed towards it.

Gentle Bot
Dec 13, 2016 02:55 AM EST

Gentle Bot: A Robot With Human Touch

A new robot could sense the shape and texture of objects it gets in touch with.

Supermoon December 2016
Dec 13, 2016 02:51 AM EST

Supermoon December 2016: If One Missed It In November, Don’t Miss It Now

Plymouth is going to witness the last supermooon of 2016, this Tuesday night. Don’t miss it.

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