
May 08, 2012 07:22 AM EDT

SeaSketch, the Next Generation of UCSB's MarineMap Program, Will Aid Marine Spatial Planning

Since 2009, a free Web-based marine mapping and spatial planning program created by UC Santa Barbara scientists has proved to be an essential tool for fishermen and other stakeholders along the California coastline. Now, the next-generation tool is going global.

Makapuu Point, Oahu, Hawaii
May 08, 2012 07:12 AM EDT

70 Percent of Beaches Eroding on Hawaiian Islands Kauai, Oahu, and Maui

An assessment of coastal change over the past century has found 70 percent of beaches on the islands of Kaua'i, O'ahu, and Maui are undergoing long-term erosion, according to a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and University of Hawai'i (UH) report released today.

May 08, 2012 07:03 AM EDT

Google Gets First Self-driven Car License in Nevada

Google's self-driven cars will soon be appearing on Nevada roads after the state's Department of Motor Vehicles approved on Monday the nation's first autonomous vehicle license.

May 08, 2012 06:57 AM EDT

Study Finds Psychopaths Have Distinct Brain Structure

Scientists who scanned the brains of men convicted of murder, rape and violent assaults have found the strongest evidence yet that psychopaths have structural abnormalities in their brains.

A new study reveals a strong association between newsroom journalists and increased risk of PTSD and depression.
May 08, 2012 06:48 AM EDT

Smartphones Top Computers for U.S. Facebook Time

The average time spent accessing Facebook via smartphone in the United States was 441 minutes in March, compared with 391 minutes via computer, according to comScore, underscoring the increasingly high-profile role of mobile in social networking.

May 07, 2012 05:14 PM EDT

NOAA Discovers Way to Detect low-level Exposure to Seafood Toxin in Marine Animals

NOAA scientists and their colleagues have discovered a biological marker in the blood of laboratory zebrafish and marine mammals that shows when they have been repeatedly exposed to low levels of domoic acid, which is potentially toxic at high levels.

May 07, 2012 04:52 PM EDT

Overweight? New Research Explains how Proper Sleep is Important for Healthy Weight

If you're counting calories to lose weight, that may be only part of the weight loss equation says a new research report published online in The FASEB Journal.

May 07, 2012 04:39 PM EDT

Anthropologist Finds Explanation for Hominin Brain Evolution in Famous Fossil

One of the world's most important fossils has a story to tell about the brain evolution of modern humans and their ancestors, according to Florida State University evolutionary anthropologist Dean Falk.

May 07, 2012 04:30 PM EDT

Research Published in Nature Magazine Uncovers Missing Link in Louis Pasteur’s Life without Oxygen Theory

Dr. Stephen Lee, a professor in the Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine at the University of Ottawa, has made a breakthrough that answers a question Louis Pasteur and countless others have struggled with for 150 years: "How do bodily cells function when we are at a high altitude where the ...

May 07, 2012 04:02 PM EDT

Inside Hitler’s Mind

A secret report, previously unknown to historians, shows how British Intelligence was tracking Hitler's growing preoccupation with "the enemy within" on the eve of the Final Solution.

May 07, 2012 03:54 PM EDT

Mystery of the Domestication of the Horse Solved

New research indicates that domestic horses originated in the steppes of modern-day Ukraine, southwest Russia and west Kazakhstan, mixing with local wild stocks as they spread throughout Europe and Asia. The research was published today, 07 May, in the journal PNAS.

May 07, 2012 03:08 PM EDT

1 Supernova Type, 2 Different Sources

The exploding stars known as Type Ia supernovae serve an important role in measuring the universe, and were used to discover the existence of dark energy. They're bright enough to see across large distances, and similar enough to act as a "standard candle" - an object of known luminosity.

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