
Americans Waistline Continue to Expand, Reports Reveal
May 01, 2012 09:17 AM EDT

As America's Waistline Expands, Costs Soar

NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. hospitals are ripping out wall-mounted toilets and replacing them with floor models to better support obese patients.

Bombing in Iraq
Apr 30, 2012 06:17 PM EDT

Bomb-sniffing dogs enlisted to stem Florida python invasion

Some bomb-sniffing dogs trained to help fight terrorism are turning their olfactory attention toward a different scourge: Burmese pythons in Florida's Everglades National Park.

Folded Solar Cell
Apr 27, 2012 02:09 PM EDT

Folding Light: Wrinkles and Twists Boost Power from Solar Panels

Taking their cue from the humble leaf, researchers have used microscopic folds on the surface of photovoltaic material to significantly increase the power output of flexible, low-cost solar cells.

Cyber meeting
Apr 27, 2012 01:53 PM EDT

Cybersecurity and International Relations

Experts on cybersecurity and its role in world politics will come together for a "Cybersecurity and International Relations" conference on Thursday, May 3, 2012. The conference is sponsored by the Watson Institute for International Studies and the Department of Computer Science and organized by John...

Apr 27, 2012 01:20 PM EDT

Space shuttle Enterprise Lands in New York Atop Jet

The space shuttle Enterprise flew to New York from Washington on Friday piggybacked atop a Boeing 747, making a dramatic flight along the Hudson River past the Statue of Liberty to the delight of observers.

Research Shows that Nature Tourism Isn't Necessarily An Economic Boon for All Citizens.
Apr 27, 2012 01:08 PM EDT

Can Nature's Beauty Lift Citizens from Poverty?

Using nature's beauty as a tourist draw can boost conservation in China's valued panda preserves, but it isn't an automatic ticket out of poverty for the humans who live there, a unique long-term study shows.

Apr 27, 2012 12:58 PM EDT

NASA's Cassini Finds Saturn's Moon Phoebe Has Planet-Like Qualities

Data from NASA's Cassini mission reveal Saturn's moon Phoebe has more planet-like qualities than previously thought.

Heart Cells
Apr 27, 2012 12:17 PM EDT

Cells in Blood Vessel Found to Cling more Tightly in Regions of Rapid Flow

Clogging of pipes leading to the heart is the planet's number one killer. Surgeons can act as medical plumbers to repair some blockages, but we don't fully understand how this living organ deteriorates or repairs itself over time.

MPQ logo
Apr 27, 2012 12:02 PM EDT

Atomic Clock Comparison via Data Highways

Optical atomic clocks measure time with unprecedented accuracy. However, it is the ability to compare clocks with one another that makes them applicable for high-precision tests in fundamental theory, from cosmology all the way to quantum physics.

Apr 27, 2012 11:40 AM EDT

Polluting China for the Sake of Economic Growth

China's economic growth will continue to be energy-intensive and highly polluting for the foreseeable future with emissions and efficiency far below capital growth on the agenda, according to a study published in the International Journal of Global Energy Issues.

Apr 27, 2012 11:19 AM EDT

Oldest Human Ancestor Found in Lake Sludge

Mankind's remotest relative is a very rare micro-organism from south-Norway. The discovery may provide an insight into what life looked like on earth almost one thousand million years ago.

Apr 27, 2012 10:52 AM EDT

Finding a New Earth: Holy Grail of Astronomy

Determining the habitability of rocky, Earth-like planets in the universe will be crucial for us as a species, according to scientists from The Australian National University.

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