
Earth impact
Apr 26, 2012 10:48 AM EDT

Splatters of Molten Rock Signal Period of Intense Asteroid Impacts on Earth

New research reveals that the Archean era - a formative time for early life from 3.8 billion years ago to 2.5 billion years ago - experienced far more major asteroid impacts than had been previously thought, with a few impacts perhaps even rivaling those that produced the largest craters on the Moon...

Women Have Bigger Pupils Than Men
Apr 26, 2012 10:39 AM EDT

Women Have Bigger Pupils than Men

From an anatomical point of view, a normal, non-pathological eye is known as an emmetropic eye, and has been studied very little until now in comparison with myopic and hypermetropic eyes. The results show that healthy emmetropic women have a wider pupil diameter than men.

Apr 26, 2012 10:03 AM EDT

Post Cancer-related Fatigue 'Overestimated'

Despite widespread belief to the contrary, as few as 6 percent of women experience cancer-related persistent fatigue a year after undergoing treatment for breast cancer, a new study has found.

Space X
Apr 26, 2012 09:25 AM EDT

Dragon Expected to Set Historic Course

In response to SpaceX's announcement that it has delayed launch of its Falcon 9 rocket and Dragon spacecraft from April 30 to May 7, NASA issued the following statement from Associate Administrator for Human Exploration and Operations William Gerstenmaier:

Apr 26, 2012 09:14 AM EDT

Which Ads Are Winners? Your Brain Knows Better than You Do

Advertisers and public health officials may be able to access hidden wisdom in the brain to more effectively sell their products and promote health and safety, UCLA neuroscientists report in the first study to use brain data to predict how large populations will respond to advertisements.

Apr 26, 2012 08:59 AM EDT

Under ‘Dark Halo’ Old Galaxies Have Many More Stars

Some of the oldest galaxies in the Universe have three times more stellar mass, and so many more stars, than all current models of galaxy evolution predict.

Microplastic Debris
Apr 26, 2012 08:47 AM EDT

Wind Pushes Plastics Deeper into Oceans, Driving Trash Estimates up

While working on a research sailboat gliding over glassy seas in the Pacific Ocean, oceanographer Giora Proskurowski noticed something new: The water was littered with confetti-size pieces of plastic debris, until the moment the wind picked up and most of the particles disappeared.

Apr 26, 2012 07:07 AM EDT

Greenpeace Says Finds Tainted Lipton Tea Bags in China

Environmental advocacy group Greenpeace said on Tuesday that an investigation it had conducted found tea bags sold in China by Unilever's Lipton brand contained unsafe levels of pesticide residue, though Unilever said the product was safe and to standard.

Apr 26, 2012 06:23 AM EDT

Analysis: Dow's New Corn: "Time Bomb" or Farmers' Dream?

A new biotech corn developed by Dow AgroSciences could answer the prayers of U.S. farmers plagued by a fierce epidemic of super-weeds. Or it could trigger a flood of dangerous chemicals that may make weeds even more resistant and damage other important U.S. crops.

Hurricane Katrina
Apr 26, 2012 06:17 AM EDT

Fewer Storms Forecast for 2012 Atlantic Hurricane Season

The 2012 Atlantic hurricane season is projected to be less active than in recent years with 11 tropical storms, six of which will intensify into hurricanes, U.S. private forecaster Weather Services International said on Wednesday.

Apr 26, 2012 06:08 AM EDT

Scientists Call for Rethink on Consumption, Population

Scientists have called for a radical rethink of our relationship with the planet to head off what they warn could be economic and environmental catastrophe.

Early Origin of Cattle Farming in China Uncovered by Researchers
Apr 26, 2012 06:03 AM EDT

Analysis: U.S. Mad Cow Find: Lucky Break or Triumph of Science?

The discovery this week of the fourth U.S. case of mad cow disease was one of two things for food safety experts: a validation of a decade-long focused surveillance regime or a lucky break that highlights the need to revisit previously scrapped efforts for more comprehensive surveillance.

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