
Apr 23, 2012 10:03 AM EDT

'Housekeeping' Mechanism for Brain Stem Cells Discovered

Researchers at Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC) have identified a molecular pathway that controls the retention and release of the brain's stem cells. The discovery offers new insights into normal and abnormal neurologic development and could eventually lead to regenerative therapies for ne...

Apr 23, 2012 09:47 AM EDT

Changes in Brain's Blood Flow Could Cause 'Brain Freeze'

'Brain freeze' is a nearly universal experience-almost everyone has felt the near-instantaneous headache brought on by a bite of ice cream or slurp of ice-cold soda on the upper palate.

Apr 23, 2012 09:34 AM EDT

Chemists Explain the Molecular Workings of Promising Fuel Cell Electrolyte

Researchers from New York University and the Max Planck Institute in Stuttgart reveal how protons move in phosphoric acid in a Nature Chemistry study that sheds new light on the workings of a promising fuel cell electrolyte.

Apr 23, 2012 09:23 AM EDT

Specific Protein Triggers Changes in Neurons in Brain Reward Center Linked to Cocaine Addiction

New research from Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York reveals that repeated exposure to cocaine decreases the activity of a protein necessary for normal functioning of the brain's reward system, thus enhancing the reward for cocaine use, which leads to addiction. Investigators were also able to b...

Apr 23, 2012 09:15 AM EDT

Neuroscientists Discover Key Protein Responsible for Controlling Nerve Cell Protection

A key protein, which may be activated to protect nerve cells from damage during heart failure or epileptic seizure, has been found to regulate the transfer of information between nerve cells in the brain. The discovery, made by neuroscientists at the University of Bristol and published in Nature Neu...

Apr 23, 2012 08:57 AM EDT

NASA Selects Science Instrument Upgrade For Flying Observatory

NASA has selected a science instrument upgrade to the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) airborne observatory. The instrument, the High-resolution Airborne Wideband Camera (HAWC), will provide a sensitive, versatile and reliable imaging capability to the SOFIA user community.

Wave clouds
Apr 23, 2012 08:44 AM EDT

Wave Clouds Near ÃŽle aux Cochons, Southern Indian Ocean

This astronaut photograph illustrates the formation of wave clouds in the wake, or downwind side, of ÃŽle aux Cochons ("Pig Island") in the southern Indian Ocean.

Apr 23, 2012 08:37 AM EDT

Treatment to Benefit African Infants at Risk of Endemic Fever

Thousands of pre-school children in Africa could benefit from access to treatment for an endemic disease, after tests showed infants to be at high risk of infection.

Atomic Heat Transfer
Apr 23, 2012 08:26 AM EDT

Controlling Heat Flow with Atomic-level Precision

Through a combination of atomic-scale materials design and ultrafast measurements, researchers at the University of Illinois have revealed new insights about how heat flows across an interface between two materials.

Forensic Science Used to Determine Who's Who in Pre-Columbian Peru
Apr 23, 2012 08:18 AM EDT

Forensic Science Used to Determine Who's Who in Pre-Columbian Peru

Analysis of ancient mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) has been used to establish migration and population patterns for American indigenous cultures during the time before Christopher Columbus sailed to the Americas. New research published in BioMed Central's open access journal BMC Genetics has used more de...

Apr 23, 2012 07:57 AM EDT

Self-assembling Highly Conductive Plastic Nanofibers

Researchers from CNRS and the Université de Strasbourg, headed by Nicolas Giuseppone1 and Bernard Doudin2, have succeeded in making highly conductive plastic fibers that are only several nanometers thick.

Apr 23, 2012 07:25 AM EDT

Rice University Researchers Find Two-dimensional Boron Has Potential Advantages over Graphene

When is nothing really something? When it leads to a revelation about boron, an element with worlds of unexplored potential.

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