
Apr 23, 2012 07:15 AM EDT

A Woman’s ‘Intense Interest’ in Her Partner Shifts when Grandchildren Arrive

A new study suggests that a woman's most intense relationship in her 20s is with a member of the opposite sex, but after the age of 45 this relationship shifts to a much younger female who is likely to be her daughter. The researchers suggest that women are more strategically driven than men in how ...

Apr 23, 2012 07:06 AM EDT

International Space Station Symposium in Berlin

Top scientists and heads of the five International Space Station partner space agencies will meet in Berlin on 2-4 May to present results from more than ten years of scientific activities on the orbital outpost and to elaborate on future research perspectives.

Apr 23, 2012 06:49 AM EDT

Rare Daylight Meteor Seen, Heard over Nevada, California

A rare daytime meteor was seen and heard streaking over northern Nevada and parts of California on Sunday, just after the peak of an annual meteor shower.

Apr 22, 2012 02:52 PM EDT

Coral Links Ice to Ancient ‘Mega Flood’

Coral off Tahiti has linked the collapse of massive ice sheets 14,600 years ago to a dramatic and rapid rise in global sea-levels of around 14 metres.

Apr 22, 2012 02:41 PM EDT

Climate Change May Create Price Volatility in the Corn Market, Say Stanford and Purdue Researchers

By the time today's elementary schoolers graduate from college, the U.S. corn belt could be forced to move to the Canadian border to escape devastating heat waves brought on by rising global temperatures.

Apr 22, 2012 02:26 PM EDT

Empty Quarter, Arabian Peninsula

Sprawling over parts of Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, and the United Arab Emirates, the Empty Quarter-or Rub' al Khali-is the world's largest sand sea. Roughly the size of France, the Empty Quarter holds about half as much sand as the entire Sahara Desert.

Apr 22, 2012 02:21 PM EDT

Birth Defects More Common in IVF Babies: Study

Babies conceived through certain fertility treatment techniques are about one-third more likely to have a birth defect than babies conceived without any extra help from technology, according to a review of several dozen studies.

Citrus trees
Apr 22, 2012 02:09 PM EDT

Tree Disease Threatens $2 Billion California Citrus Industry

California orange and lemon growers are bracing for a deadly bacterial disease that could ravage the state's $2 billion citrus industry after the first infected tree in the state was identified in a suburban Los Angeles yard.

Apr 22, 2012 01:54 PM EDT

Exclusive: UK Has Vast Shale Gas Reserves, Geologists Say

Britain may have enough offshore shale gas to catapult it into the top ranks of global producers, energy experts now believe, and while production costs are still very high, new U.S. technology should eventually make reserves commercially viable.

TB Vaccine
Apr 22, 2012 01:48 PM EDT

Africa Sitting on Sea of Groundwater Reserves

Huge reserves of underground water in some of the driest parts of Africa could provide a buffer against the effects of climate change for years to come, scientists said on Friday.

Apr 21, 2012 03:25 PM EDT

Screening Programs Detect Cases of Undiagnosed Rheumatic Heart Disease in Low-resource Countries

Widespread screening of children in poorer countries is now being studied and is resulting in the diagnosis of rheumatic heart disease (RHD) in patients that would likely have gone undetected under normal circumstances, according to two new studies carried out in Fiji and Uganda presented today at t...

Kirk Cameron, Virginia Tech
Apr 21, 2012 03:17 PM EDT

Virginia Tech Spin-off Company MiserWare Offers Free Product to Measure Carbon Footprint

MiserWare, a spin-off company of Virginia Tech's College of Engineering, is launching a free product that allows companies or individuals to measure their carbon footprint in terms of total power usage.

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