
Apr 19, 2012 07:24 AM EDT

Gut Microbiota Transplantation May Prevent Development of Diabetes and Fatty Liver Disease

Exciting new data presented today at the International Liver CongressTM 2012 shows the gut microbiota's causal role in the development of diabetes and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), independent of obesity.(1) Though an early stage animal model, the French study highlights the possibility...

North America Swelters in March Heat
Apr 19, 2012 07:18 AM EDT

North America Swelters in March Heat

First they called it the year without a winter. Then springtime began to feel more like summer for most of North America. March 2012 saw thousands of daily temperature records fall in the contiguous United States (often called the "lower 48"), and the entire month was the warmest March in a temperat...

Apr 19, 2012 07:09 AM EDT

Evidence for a Geologic Trigger of the Cambrian Explosion

The oceans teemed with life 600 million years ago, but the simple, soft-bodied creatures would have been hardly recognizable as the ancestors of nearly all animals on Earth today.

Apr 19, 2012 07:01 AM EDT

Life Expectancy and Healthy Life Years in the European Union, 2008-2010

The HLY (Healthy Life Years) indicates how long people can expect to live without disability. It has been computed annually for each Member State of the European Union since 2005.

Niwot Ridge
Apr 19, 2012 06:52 AM EDT

CU Research Shows Warming Climate Threatens Ecology at Mountain Research site West of Boulder

A series of papers published this month on ecological changes at 26 global research sites -- including one administered by the University of Colorado Boulder in the high mountains west of the city -- indicates that ecosystems dependent on seasonal snow and ice are the most sensitive to changes in cl...

James Webb Space Telescope
Apr 19, 2012 06:40 AM EDT

Webb Telescope Spinoff Technologies already Seen in some Industries

A critical component of the James Webb Space Telescope is its new technology. Much of the technology for the Webb had to be conceived, designed and built specifically to enable it to see farther back in time. As with many NASA technological advances, some of the innovations are being used to benefit...

Apr 19, 2012 06:33 AM EDT

Speed and Ecstasy Associated with Depression in Teenagers

A five year study conducted with thousands of local teenagers by University of Montreal researchers reveals that those who used speed (meth/ampthetamine) or ecstasy (MDMA) at fifteen or sixteen years of age were significantly more likely to suffer elevated depressive symptoms the following year.

Apr 19, 2012 06:20 AM EDT

ESF and ICTP Explore the Newest Breakthroughs in Geometry and Dynamics

The European Science Foundation (ESF) and the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) have joined forces to support, manage and co-sponsor a series of high-level conferences on Geometry and Dynamics.

Apr 19, 2012 06:00 AM EDT

New Study Finds Mysterious Lack of Dark Matter in Sun’s Neighbourhood

The most accurate study so far of the motions of stars in the Milky Way has found no evidence for dark matter in a large volume around the Sun.

Apr 18, 2012 05:14 PM EDT

Killing in War Linked with Suicidal Thoughts Among Vietnam Veterans, Study Finds

The experience of killing in war was strongly associated with thoughts of suicide, in a study of Vietnam-era veterans led by researchers at the San Francisco VA Medical Center (SFVAMC) and the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF).

Breast cancer
Apr 18, 2012 05:05 PM EDT

Study Suggests Breast Cancer is Clutch of 10 Diseases

Scientists who conducted a major international study into the genetics of breast cancer say they can now classify the disease into 10 subtypes - a finding that points to more accurate, tailored treatment for individual patients in future.

Impact of Increasing Nanoparticle Concentration on Radishes
Apr 18, 2012 04:58 PM EDT

NIST/UMass Study Finds Evidence Nanoparticles May Increase Plant DNA Damage

Researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) have provided the first evidence that engineered nanoparticles are able to accumulate within plants and damage their DNA. In a recent paper,* the team led by NIST chemist Brya...

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