
Apr 21, 2012 03:10 PM EDT

Physicians Call for Improvements to Country's Public Health System to Protect US Residents

A call for an improved public health infrastructure that works collaboratively with physicians in order to ensure the public's safety and health was made today by the American College of Physicians (ACP). The action was highlighted by the release of a new policy paper, Strengthening the Public Healt...

Group Gathers at IceCube, the World's Largest Neutrino Detector
Apr 21, 2012 01:41 PM EDT

IceCube Neutrino Observatory Provides New Insights into Origin of Cosmic Rays

Analysis of data from the IceCube Neutrino Observatory, a massive detector deployed in deep ice at the U.S. Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station in Antarctica at the geographic South Pole, recently provided new insight into one of the most enduring mysteries in physics, the production of cosmic rays.

Apr 21, 2012 01:12 PM EDT

Investigation on Envisat Continues

Optical, radar and laser observations of the Envisat satellite show that it is still in a stable orbit. Efforts to regain contact with the satellite have been under way since 8 April, when it unexpectedly stopped sending data to Earth.

Apr 21, 2012 12:20 PM EDT

Dust over Russia

In late April 2012, dust mingled with clouds over the eastern Russian Federation. The dust likely originated along the border between China and Mongolia and followed a counter-clockwise arc into eastern Russia. Fires along the China-Mongolia border may also have deposited smoke into the region's air...

Apr 21, 2012 07:35 AM EDT

History Is Key Factor in Plant Disease Virulence

The virulence of plant-borne diseases depends on not just the particular strain of a pathogen, but on where the pathogen has been before landing in its host, according to new research results.

Apr 21, 2012 07:22 AM EDT

Google Execs, Director Cameron in Space Venture

Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt and billionaire co-founder Larry Page have teamed up with "Avatar" director James Cameron and other investors to back an ambitious space exploration and natural resources venture, details of which will be unveiled next week.

Apr 21, 2012 07:17 AM EDT

FDA says Nanotech May Need Extra Safety Tests

U.S. health regulators said consumer products that use nanotechnology may have unknown effects on the human body, and advised food and cosmetic companies to further study the safety of these tiny particles.

Apr 20, 2012 05:04 PM EDT

Nissan Motors Affected by Computer Virus

Following is a statement from Andy Palmer, Executive Vice President, Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.

Apr 20, 2012 04:50 PM EDT

ASU Provides Technology, Teotihuacán Facility to Explore Ancient Urban Roots

An Arizona State University media team recently trekked to the Mesoamerican ruins of Teotihuacán with the goal of using high-end technology to capture the essence and magnitude of this ancient city, once one of the largest in the world.

Apr 20, 2012 04:33 PM EDT

Accelerating Climate Change Exerts Strong Pressure on Europe's Mountain Flora

A pan-European study published in Science shows that mountain plants across the continent are moving to higher altitudes. This often results in raised species numbers on mountain tops, when colonizers from lower down start to dwell on the summits. This study, however, also shows that upward shifts c...

Model of Deepwater Blowout
Apr 20, 2012 04:19 PM EDT

NCEAS Researchers Offer New Ecological Model for Deep-water Oil Spills

On the second anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon oil platform blowout, a national panel of researchers is providing new insight into what happened in the disaster, as well as a guide for how to deal with such events in the future, and why existing tools were inadequate to predict what lay before t...

Northern Hemisphere of the Sun
Apr 20, 2012 04:08 PM EDT

Hinode and SOHO Paint an Asymmetrical Picture of the Sun

Approximately every 11 years the magnetic field on the sun reverses completely - the north magnetic pole switches to south, and vice versa. It's as if a bar magnet slowly lost its magnetic field and regained it in the opposite direction, so the positive side becomes the negative side. But, of course...

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