
Apr 25, 2012 09:32 AM EDT

Vibrating Steering Wheel Guides Drivers while Keeping Their Eyes on the Road

A vibrating steering wheel is an effective way to keep a driver's eyes safely on the road by providing an additional means to convey directions from a car's navigation system, researchers at Carnegie Mellon University and AT&T Labs have shown. The study, one of the first to evaluate combinations of ...

Apr 25, 2012 09:11 AM EDT

First-ever Release of Endangered Burying Beetles in Missouri

Beetle last seen in state in 1970s; Zoo has monitored for beetle since 2002.

Sad Music
Apr 25, 2012 08:50 AM EDT

Ophthalmologists Urged to be Alert for Signs of Child Abuse

It has been estimated that roughly 4% to 6% of child abuse victims present first to an ophthalmologist. In a case study in the April issue of the Journal of American Association of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, doctors at the University of Washington and the Seattle Children's Hospital des...

Apr 25, 2012 08:38 AM EDT

New Microdevice Enables Culture of Circulating Tumor Cells for Cancer Diagnosis, Treatment

A research collaboration between the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University and Children's Hospital Boston has created a microfluidic device that can harvest rare circulating tumor cells (CTCs) from blood to enable their expansion in culture for analysis.

Eletric car
Apr 25, 2012 08:29 AM EDT

Mobile Lab Takes Hybrid Electric Vehicle Technology on the Road

Take some galvanized nails, vinegar, soda pop and copper wire, piece them together just right, and what do you get? A battery.

Apr 25, 2012 08:14 AM EDT

Graphene Boosts Efficiency of Next-gen Solar Cells

The coolest new nanomaterial of the 21st century could boost the efficiency of the next generation of solar panels, a team of Michigan Technological University materials scientists has discovered.

Global Warming Causes Expansion in Antarctic Sea Ice
Apr 25, 2012 08:00 AM EDT

International Team Installs First of 3 Telescopes in Antarctica

A team of scientists representing several international institutions, including Texas A&M University, has succeeded in installing the first of three Antarctic Survey Telescopes (AST3-1) at the Chinese Kunlun Station at Dome Argus, the highest point of the Antarctic Plateau.

Sir Richard Feachem, Ph.D., University of California - San Francisco
Apr 25, 2012 07:47 AM EDT

Malaria Resurgence Directly Linked to Funding Cuts

Funding cuts for malaria control are the single most common reason for the resurgence of the deadly disease, according to a new study that has linked overall weakened malaria control programs to the majority of global resurgences since 1930.

Titan's Dense Atmosphere Shrouds the Moon
Apr 25, 2012 06:54 AM EDT

NASA Research Estimates How Long Titan's Chemical Factory Has Been in Business

Saturn's giant moon Titan hides within a thick, smoggy atmosphere that's well-known to scientists as one of the most complex chemical environments in the solar system. It's a productive "factory" cranking out hydrocarbons that rain down on Titan's icy surface, cloaking it in soot and, with a brutall...

William Shakespeare (1564–1616)
Apr 25, 2012 06:24 AM EDT

Did Shakespeare and Middleton collaborate on All’s Well?

All's Well that Ends Well may be a collaboration between William Shakespeare and Thomas Middleton, Oxford University academics have found.

Apr 25, 2012 06:09 AM EDT

A Cluster Within a Cluster

The star cluster NGC 6604 is shown in this new image taken by the Wide Field Imager attached to the MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope at the La Silla Observatory in Chile. It is often overlooked in favour of its more prominent neighbour, the Eagle Nebula (also known as Messier 16), that lies a mere wingsp...

Apr 25, 2012 06:01 AM EDT

Enhancing Global Emergency Preparedness and Response Framework

Delegates of competent authorities are pushing for measures that will further strengthen global emergency preparedness and response framework. The venue was the sixth meeting of representatives of competent authorities identified under the Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident and t...

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