
Researchers Predict Major Reductions in Seafloor Marine Life From Climate Change by 2100
Mar 23, 2012 07:02 AM EDT

Ancient Civilizations Reveal Ways to Manage Fisheries for Sustainability

In the search for sustainability of the ocean's fisheries, solutions can be found in a surprising place: the ancient past.

Sea Lion Wanders to Settle Cosily Along Poolside at a California Hotel
Mar 23, 2012 06:55 AM EDT

Activists Sue to Stop Killing of Pacific Northwest Sea Lions

Wildlife activists sued on Monday to stop the killing of sea lions that have been eating endangered Columbia River salmon, seeking a reprieve for the animals a day before three Pacific Northwest states are authorized to begin executing them.

Mar 23, 2012 06:40 AM EDT

Funding Cuts Put 3.4 Million TB Patients at Risk: NGOs

A $1.7 billion funding shortfall to fight tuberculosis (TB) over the next five years means 3.4 million patients will go untreated and gains made against the disease will be reversed, three non-governmental (NGO) agencies said on Friday.

Mar 22, 2012 05:36 PM EDT

BP Gets OK to Drill Deepwater Well off Shetland

BP has got a green light to drill a deepwater well off the Shetland Islands, the UK government said on Thursday, a move in line with Britain's plans to encourage more exploration in the North Sea.

Experimental Set Up
Mar 22, 2012 05:03 PM EDT

Invisibility of Magnetic Fields Made Reality

UAB researchers, in collaboration with an experimental group from the Academy of Sciences of Slovakia, have created a cylinder which hides contents and makes them invisible to magnetic fields. The device was built using superconductor and ferromagnetic materials available on the market. The inventio...

Mar 22, 2012 04:45 PM EDT

Exercise Has Benefits, Even when It's Done in Space

Astronauts have been taking part in short spaceflight missions since 1961. They have only recently begun to spend significantly longer times in space, with missions extending for months, since the days of the Russian Mir space station (1986-2001) and extended stays on the International Space Station...

Volcano on Pagan
Mar 22, 2012 04:32 PM EDT

Seismic survey at the Mariana Trench will Follow Water Dragged Down into the Earth's Mantle

Last month, Doug Wiens, PhD, professor of earth and planetary science at Washington University in St. Louis, and two WUSTL students were cruising the tropical waters of the western Pacific above the Mariana trench aboard the research vessel Thomas G. Thompson.

Mar 22, 2012 03:38 PM EDT

Self-reflective Mind -- in Animals! Psychologists Report on Continuing Advances

According to one of the leading scholars in the field, there is an emerging consensus among scientists that animals share functional parallels with humans' conscious metacognition -- that is, our ability to reflect on our own mental processes and guide and optimize them.

pacific ocean
Mar 22, 2012 03:28 PM EDT

New Understanding of Earth's Mantle Beneath the Pacific Ocean

Scientists have long speculated about why there is a large change in the strength of rocks that lie at the boundary between two layers immediately under Earth's crust: the lithosphere and underlying asthenosphere. Understanding this boundary is central to our knowledge of plate tectonics and thus th...

Rain forrest
Mar 22, 2012 03:08 PM EDT

Trace Element Plays Major Role in Tropical Forest Nitrogen Cycle

A new paper by researchers from the University of Georgia and Princeton University sheds light on the critical part played by a little-studied element, molybdenum, in the nutrient cycles of tropical forests. Understanding the role of molybdenum may help scientists more accurately predict how tropica...

Mar 22, 2012 02:25 PM EDT

Damage to World's Oceans 'to Reach $2 Trillion a Year'

The cost of damage to the world's oceans from climate change could reach $2 trillion a year by 2100 if measures to cut greenhouse gas emissions are not stepped up, a study by marine experts said on Wednesday.

Mar 22, 2012 01:53 PM EDT

Britain Mulls Replacing Corporate CO2 Scheme

The UK government will consider replacing a scheme to cut corporate energy use with an alternative environmental tax if it cannot reduce the scheme's administrative costs, finance minister George Osborne said in his budget statement on Wednesday.

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