
Supernova 2011fe in M101
Mar 20, 2012 04:17 PM EDT

Explosive Stars with Good Table Manners

An exploding star known as a Type Ia supernova plays a key role in our understanding of the universe. Studies of Type Ia supernovae led to the discovery of dark energy, which garnered the 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics. Yet the cause of this variety of exploding star remains elusive.

Alzheimer's Disease
Mar 20, 2012 04:02 PM EDT

New Hope for Treating Alzheimer's Disease: A Role for the FKBP52 Protein

New research in humans published today reveals that the so-called FKBP52 protein may prevent the Tau protein from turning pathogenic. This may prove significant for the development of new Alzheimer's drugs and for detecting the disease before the onset of clinical symptoms.

Amelia Earhart
Mar 20, 2012 03:49 PM EDT

Researchers Mount New Mission to Solve Amelia Earhart Mystery

Scientists on Tuesday announced a new phase in the search to resolve the disappearance of Amelia Earhart, saying fresh evidence from a remote Pacific island may hold clues to the fate of the renowned U.S. pilot who vanished in 1937 while attempting to circle the globe.

Space fly
Mar 20, 2012 03:38 PM EDT

Space Tourism Set for Takeoff by 2014, FAA Says

The Obama administration is preparing for a space tourism industry that is expected to be worth $1 billion in 10 years, the head of the Federal Aviation Administration's commercial space office said on Tuesday.

Mar 20, 2012 03:32 PM EDT

New Discovery of Proteins Involved in Positioning Muscular Nuclei

In order to move, living beings need muscles, and, more specifically, skeletal muscles that are controlled by the nervous system. Skeletal muscles are composed of cylindrical muscle fibres with a multitude of peripheral nuclei. Until now, little was known about the mechanism used to position nuclei ...

Envisat Captures Sandstorm
Mar 20, 2012 02:39 PM EDT

Satellite Captures Images of Sandstorm

ESA's Envisat satellite has captured images of a sandstorm over Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain and southern Iraq and Iran. The animation shows two images of the region: the first captured on 10 March and the second on 18 March. The latest image shows how sand has swept over the Persian Gulf States ...

Mar 20, 2012 01:34 PM EDT

SRI International Releases Report on Costs and Benefits of Online Learning Programs

A new SRI International report prepared for the U.S. Department of Education provides guidance to educational leaders as they work to implement successful, cost-effective online learning programs for secondary schools.

Naval Robotic Fueling
Mar 20, 2012 01:14 PM EDT

NRL Tests Robotic Fueling of Unmanned Surface Vessels

Engineers from the NRL Spacecraft Engineering Department (SED) successfully demonstrate the robotic fluids transfer from a stationary platform to an Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) in wave heights greater than three feet. The Rapid Autonomous Fuel Transfer (RAFT) project exhibits the ability to track...

mTurquoise2 X-Ray Structure
Mar 20, 2012 01:02 PM EDT

Proteins Shine a Brighter Light on Cellular Processes

Scientists have designed a molecule which, in living cells, emits turquoise light three times brighter than possible until recently. This improves the sensitivity of cellular imaging, a technique where biological processes inside a living organism are imaged at high resolution. The results have been...

Mar 20, 2012 12:57 PM EDT

A Camera that Peers Around Corners

In December, MIT Media Lab researchers caused a stir by releasing a slow-motion video of a burst of light traveling the length of a plastic bottle. But the experimental setup that enabled that video was designed for a much different application: a camera that can see around corners.

kSZ Effect Illustration
Mar 20, 2012 12:35 PM EDT

Detection of Cosmic Effect May Bring Universe's Formation into Sharper Focus

The first observation of a cosmic effect theorized 40 years ago could provide astronomers with a more precise tool for understanding the forces behind the universe's formation and growth, including the enigmatic phenomena of dark energy and dark matter.

Mar 20, 2012 12:06 PM EDT

Super-Earth Unlikely Able to Transfer Life to Other Planets

While scientists believe conditions suitable for life might exist on the so-called "super-Earth" in the Gliese 581 system, it's unlikely to be transferred to other planets within that solar system.

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