
Show Time
Mar 13, 2012 04:30 PM EDT

Show Time for Commercial Spaceflight at Hand

The first privately owned passenger spaceship is on track for a test flight beyond the atmosphere this year, and nearly 500 people have signed up for rides.

MS Patients Can Improve Their Self-Awareness with Task Experience
Mar 13, 2012 04:22 PM EDT

Kessler Foundation MS Study Documents Negative Effect of Warmer Weather on Cognition

Warm weather may hinder cognitive performance in people with multiple sclerosis (MS), according to results of a Kessler Foundation study e-published online ahead of print by Neurology. An accompanying editorial by Meier & Christodoulou, MS and heat: The smoke and the fire, details the study's unique...

Cassini Mosaic Image of Jupiter
Mar 13, 2012 04:08 PM EDT

Cassini Spies Wave Rattling Jet Stream on Jupiter

New movies of Jupiter are the first to catch an invisible wave shaking up one of the giant planet's jet streams, an interaction that also takes place in Earth's atmosphere and influences the weather. The movies, made from images taken by NASA's Cassini spacecraft when it flew by Jupiter in 2000, are...

NASA Spies Cyclone Lua and System 96P
Mar 13, 2012 02:50 PM EDT

NASA Sees Double Tropical Trouble in Northern Australia

Northern Australia is dealing with two tropical systems today, and both were close enough to be captured on one satellite image. One of them has strengthened enough to be named Tropical Cyclone Lua, while the other is still getting organized and is a tropical low pressure area. The unnamed storm is ...

Leonardo da Vinci
Mar 13, 2012 02:42 PM EDT

Data Support Theory on Location of Lost Leonardo da Vinci Painting

Evidence uncovered during research conducted in Florence's Palazzo Vecchio late last year appears to support the theory that a lost Leonardo da Vinci painting existed on the east wall of the Hall of the 500, behind Giorgio Vasari's mural "The Battle of Marciano." The data supporting the theoretical ...

Enlarged Lysosomes
Mar 13, 2012 02:28 PM EDT

U-M Biologists Find Potential Drug that Speeds Cellular Recycling

A University of Michigan cell biologist and his colleagues have identified a potential drug that speeds up trash removal from the cell's recycling center, the lysosome. The finding suggests a new way to treat rare inherited metabolic disorders such as Niemann-Pick disease and mucolipidosis Type I...

Mar 13, 2012 02:13 PM EDT

Post-exposure Antibody Treatment Protects Primates from Ebola, Marburg Viruses

Army scientists have demonstrated, for the first time, that antibody-based therapies can successfully protect monkeys from the deadly Ebola and Marburg viruses. In addition, the animals were fully protected even when treatment was administered two days post-infection, an accomplishment unmatched by ...

Mar 13, 2012 02:04 PM EDT

Optics Express Focus Issue: Modular Ultrafast Lasers

Ultrafast lasers, lasers that emit light pulses that are as short as a few femtoseconds, have enabled a wide-range of fundamental science and applications over the past two decades. To highlight recent state-of-the-art developments in femtosecond lasers, the Optical Society (OSA) today published a s...

150 'Planet under Pressure' public events worldwide
Mar 13, 2012 01:05 PM EDT

150 'Planet Under Pressure' Public Events Worldwide

Public events at museums and science centers around the globe will run concurrently with the Planet under Pressure Conference on March 26-29, 2012.

Microbubbles and Focused Ultrasound
Mar 13, 2012 12:50 PM EDT

JoVE Shows How Researchers Open the Brain to New Treatments

One of the trickiest parts of treating brain conditions is the blood brain barrier, a blockade of cells that prevent both harmful toxins and helpful pharmaceuticals from getting to the body's control center. But, a technique published in JoVE, uses an MRI machine to guide the use of microbubbles and...

Mar 13, 2012 12:10 PM EDT

Prolonged Space Travel Causes Brain and Eye Abnormalities in Astronauts

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the eyes and brains of 27 astronauts who have spent prolonged periods of time in space revealed optical abnormalities similar to those that can occur in intracranial hypertension of unknown cause, a potentially serious condition in which pressure builds within the...

People With Spine Injuries Can Now Walk Better With New Treatment
Mar 13, 2012 11:19 AM EDT

Research Suggests New Therapeutic Approach for Spinal Cord Injury

A new study suggests that administering FTY720, an oral drug that has shown promise in trials for human multiple sclerosis, significantly improves locomotor recovery in mice with spinal cord injury (SCI). The research suggests a possible new avenue to counteract the degeneration of the spinal cord i...

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