
Japan mourns
Mar 11, 2012 02:03 PM EDT

Japan Mourns Tsunami Dead; Grapples with Aftermath

With a moment of silence, prayers and anti-nuclear rallies, Japan marked on Sunday one year since an earthquake and tsunami killed thousands and set off a radiation crisis that shattered public trust in atomic power and the nation's leaders.

TRMM data from the flight over tropical storm Koji are shown in the 3-D image above. Those data reveal that an eye hadn't formed but powerful storm towers around KOJI's center were reaching heights of almost 15km (~9.3 miles).
Mar 11, 2012 07:04 AM EDT

NASA's TRMM Satellite Sees Hot Towers in Cyclone Koji

Hot towers, or towering thunderclouds that give off an excessive amount of latent heat, usually indicate a tropical cyclone will strengthen in six hours, and NASA's TRMM satellite saw some of them as it passed by Tropical Storm Koji.

Changing Character of T5X2's X-ray Emission
Mar 10, 2012 09:06 PM EST

NASA's RXTE Captures Thermonuclear Behavior of Unique Neutron Star

A neutron star is the closest thing to a black hole that astronomers can observe directly, crushing half a million times more mass than Earth into a sphere no larger than a city. In October 2010, a neutron star near the center of our galaxy erupted with hundreds of X-ray bursts that were powered by ...

Growing Season Length
Mar 09, 2012 04:34 PM EST

Mid-Atlantic Suburbs Can Expect an Early Spring Thanks to the Heat of the Big City

If you've been thinking our world is more green than frozen these days, you're right. A recent study has found that spring is indeed arriving earlier - and autumn later - in the suburbs of Baltimore and Washington, D.C. The reason? The urban landscape traps heat in the summer and holds it throughout...

American woman
Mar 09, 2012 04:22 PM EST

New Study Shows Higher Rates of HIV Infection

ICAP at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health is part of a network of research organizations that jointly released results, finding that HIV infection rates of black women living in certain parts of the U.S. are higher than previously estimated for black adolescent and women living i...

3 Chambers.
Mar 09, 2012 04:12 PM EST

A Big Discovery in the Study of Neutrinos, Tiny Particles that Have a Big Role in the Universe

An international team of physicists has determined a key parameter, which governs how neutrinos behave. This discovery measures a critical linchpin in the study of the tiny particles and in advancing the understanding of how these building blocks of all things, from galaxies to tea cups, came to be.

Scientists warn EPA on Monsanto corn rootworm
Mar 09, 2012 03:02 PM EST

Scientists Warn EPA on Monsanto Corn Rootworm

A group of plant scientists is warning federal regulators that action is needed to mitigate a growing problem with biotech corn that is losing its resistance to plant-damaging pests.

Galactic Reconstruction
Mar 09, 2012 02:22 PM EST

Gravitational Lens Reveals Details of Distant, Ancient Galaxy

hanks to the presence of a natural "zoom lens" in space, University of Chicago scientists working with NASA's Hubble Space Telescope have obtained a uniquely close-up look at the brightest gravitationally magnified galaxy yet discovered. The imagery offers a visually striking example of gravitati...

Reconstruction of a Lone Microraptor in a Forest
Mar 09, 2012 02:07 PM EST

Iridescent, Feathered Dinosaur: New Evidence that Feathers Evolved to Attract Mates

The detailed feather pattern and color of Microraptor--a pigeon-sized, four-winged dinosaur that lived about 120 million years ago--had a glossy iridescent sheen. Its tail was narrow and adorned with a pair of streamer feathers, suggesting the importance of display in the early evolution of feath...

1 year after the Japan tsunami, USC engineers help California's ports prepare
Mar 09, 2012 01:53 PM EST

1 Year after the Japan Tsunami, USC Engineers Help California's Ports Prepare

On the one-year anniversary of the devastating Japanese tsunami, engineers from the USC Viterbi School of Engineering Tsunami Research Center are working with the State of California to better understand the damaging currents caused by tsunamis.

Mar 09, 2012 01:29 PM EST

Osteoarthritis Summit Delineates Shortcomings of Research and Path Forward

"The summit included leading scientists and researchers across all of the broad disciplines related to osteoarthritis, ranging from very basic cell and molecular biology, to biomechanics, to epidemiology and clinical trials," said Steven Goldring, M.D., chief scientific officer at Hospital for Speci...

Ph.D. Student Cornelia Buehlmann Performing Experiments
Mar 09, 2012 12:17 PM EST

Orientation of Desert Ants: Every Cue Counts

Desert ants have adapted to a life in a barren environment which only provides very few landmarks for orientation. Apart from visual cues and odors the ants use the polarized sunlight as a compass and count their steps in order to return safely to their home after searching for food. In experiments ...

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