
Mar 13, 2012 07:51 AM EDT

Analysis: India Patent Ruling may Open Door for Cheaper HIV Drugs

India's move to strip German drugmaker Bayer of its exclusive rights to a cancer drug has set a precedent that could extend to other treatments, including modern HIV/AIDS drugs, in a major blow to global pharmaceutical firms, experts say.

Japan Eletric power
Mar 13, 2012 07:37 AM EDT

Majority of Japanese Oppose Nuclear Plant Restarts: Poll

A majority of Japanese oppose a restart of nuclear power plants currently shut for maintenance, a poll by the Asahi newspaper showed on Tuesday, reflecting high public distrust towards atomic power after the 2011 tsunami-triggered nuclear crisis.

Dupont Joins Stanford's Global Climate and Energy Project
Mar 12, 2012 04:47 PM EDT

DuPont Joins Stanford's Global Climate and Energy Project

DuPont has joined the Global Climate and Energy Project (GCEP) at Stanford University, an industry partnership that supports innovative research on sustainable energy technologies with low greenhouse gas emissions.

Mar 12, 2012 04:35 PM EDT

A New Theory on the Formation of the Oldest Continents

The earth's structure can be compared to an orange: its crust is the peel supported by the earth's heavy mantle. That peel is made up of a continental crust 30 to 40 kilometers thick. It is much lighter than the thinner oceanic crust and protrudes from the earth's mantle because of its lower density...

Mar 12, 2012 04:26 PM EDT

Forest Service Report Shows Forest Growth in North Outpacing other Parts of Country

U.S. Forest Service scientists today released an assessment that shows forest land has expanded in northern states during the past century despite a 130-percent population jump and relentless environmental threats. At the same time, Forest Service researchers caution that threats to forests in the c...

Wooden Royal Statue
Mar 12, 2012 03:58 PM EDT

Statue, Chapels and Animal Mummies Found in Egypt by U of T team

A wooden statue of a king, a private offering chapel, a monumental building and remains of over 80 animal mummies found by a University of Toronto-led team in Abydos, Egypt reveal intriguing information about ritual activity associated with the great gods.

Mar 12, 2012 03:48 PM EDT

Scientists Document First Consumption of Abundant Life Form, Archaea

A team of scientists has documented for the first time that animals can and do consume Archaea - a type of single-celled microorganism thought to be among the most abundant life forms on Earth.

Mar 12, 2012 01:43 PM EDT

Researcher Uses Medical Imaging Technology to Better Understand Fish Senses

University of Rhode Island marine biologist Jacqueline Webb gets an occasional strange look when she brings fish to the Orthopedics Research Lab at Rhode Island Hospital. While the facility's microCT scanner is typically used to study bone density and diseases like osteoporosis, it is also providing...

Fractal Silver Trees
Mar 12, 2012 01:10 PM EDT

Tiny Fractal Trees for Solar Power

Microscopic "fractal trees" grown from silver could be the basis of a new type of solar cell, say chemists at the University of California, Davis. "We expect these structures will allow us to make better, more efficient solar cells," said Professor Frank Osterloh, a principal investigator on the ...

Mar 12, 2012 01:05 PM EDT

Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement Threatens Public Health

An editorial to be published by the scientific journal Addiction has been made available online, revealing that negotiations are underway behind closed doors for a far-reaching new trade and investment agreement that could tie the hands of governments' future alcohol and tobacco control policies in ...

Solar Panels
Mar 12, 2012 12:05 PM EDT

First Solar to Build New Solar Plant for NRG

First Solar Inc will build a 26-megawatt solar power plant for power producer NRG Energy Inc in Arizona under the latest deal between two of the biggest players in the U.S. renewable energy sector.

Gold = Good for Fuel Cells
Mar 12, 2012 11:52 AM EDT

Touch of Gold Improves Nanoparticle Fuel-cell Reactions

Advances in fuel-cell technology have been stymied by the inadequacy of metals studied as catalysts. The drawback to platinum, other than cost, is that it absorbs carbon monoxide in reactions involving fuel cells powered by organic materials like formic acid. A more recently tested metal, palladium,...

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