
Botum Sakor National Park
Mar 07, 2012 11:03 AM EST

Insight: China Gambles on Botum Sakor National Park

It was once the unspoiled jungle home for tigers, elephants, bears and gibbons. But today Botum Sakor National Park in southwest Cambodia is fast disappearing to accommodate a much less endangered species: the Chinese gambler.

Congo basin
Mar 07, 2012 10:35 AM EST

EU-funded Study Underlines Importance of Congo Basin for Global Climate and Biodiversity

With its 1.7 billion square kilometres, an area equivalent to 5 times the size of Germany, the Congo Basin forest is the world's second largest tropical forest. The 'State of the Congo Basin Forests 2010' report launched in Douala, Cameroon, at the Annual meeting of the Congo Basin Forest Partnershi...

VLT Takes Most Detailed Infrared Image of the Carina Nebula
Mar 07, 2012 10:03 AM EST

VLT Takes Most Detailed Infrared Image of the Carina Nebula

Deep in the heart of the southern Milky Way lies a stellar nursery called the Carina Nebula. It is about 7500 light-years from Earth in the constellation of Carina (The Keel) [1]. This cloud of glowing gas and dust is one of the closest incubators of very massive stars to the Earth and includes seve...

VST Image of the Hercules Galaxy Cluster
Mar 07, 2012 09:57 AM EST

Galaxies Get Up Close and Personal

The Hercules galaxy cluster (also known as Abell 2151) lies about 500 million light-years away in the constellation of Hercules. It is unlike other nearby galactic assemblies in many ways. As well as being rather irregular in shape, it contains a wide variety of galaxy types, particularly young, sta...

After tsunami
Mar 07, 2012 09:33 AM EST

IAEA and WANO Mark Anniversary of Fukushima Accident, Increase Cooperation

Next Sunday, 11 March 2012, marks the first anniversary of the devastating earthquake and tsunami that struck the east coast of Japan. One year on, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO) are increasing their mutual cooperation to maximise ...

Ocean depths
Mar 07, 2012 09:24 AM EST

Running Hot and Cold in the Deep Sea: Scientists Explore Rare Environment

Among the many intriguing aspects of the deep sea, Earth's largest ecosystem, exist environments known as hydrothermal vent systems where hot water surges out from the seafloor. On the flipside the deep sea also features cold areas where methane rises from "seeps" on the ocean bottom.

Infrared NASA Look at Cyclone Irina
Mar 07, 2012 09:12 AM EST

NASA Sees Tropical Cyclone Irina still Looping at Sea

NASA's Aqua satellite saw Tropical Cyclone Irina making a slow loop in the southern Mozambique Channel for the third day on March 6, 2012. Because of the different weather systems moving through the region, Irina's track has been hard to forecast.

15-Year Study: When It Comes To Creating Wetlands, Mother Nature Is In Charge
Mar 07, 2012 08:41 AM EST

15-year Study: When It Comes to creating Wetlands, Mother Nature Is in Charge

Fifteen years of studying two experimental wetlands has convinced Bill Mitsch that turning the reins over to Mother Nature makes the most sense when it comes to this area of ecological restoration. Mitsch, an environment and natural resources professor at Ohio State University, has led the effort t...

Mar 07, 2012 08:34 AM EST

Was Einstein Wrong - or was the Cable Loose?

The world of science was upended last year when an experiment appeared to show one of Einstein's fundamental theories was wrong - but now the lab behind it says the result could have been caused by a loose cable.

Mar 07, 2012 08:20 AM EST

Scientists at U.S. Lab Detect Hints of Elusive Particle

Scientists said they have gotten even closer to proving the existence of the elusive Higgs boson, the so-called "God particle" that supplies mass to matter and would complete Albert Einstein's theory of the universe.

Mar 07, 2012 08:00 AM EST

Tile Makers Creating Orion Shield

Workers recently began cutting and coating the first thermal protection system tiles - part of the heat shield that will protect an Orion spacecraft during an upcoming flight test which will simulate the re-entry speed and heating of returning from deep space.

Dust over the Southern Arabian Peninsula
Mar 07, 2012 06:43 AM EST

Dust over the Southern Arabian Peninsula

On March 4, 2012, the thick dust that had hovered over Saudi Arabia a day earlier traveled southward off the edge of the Arabian Peninsula. This natural-color image, acquired by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA's Terra satellite, shows a cloud of dust over Yemen, and...

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