
A Hot Flow Anomaly on Venus
Mar 06, 2012 08:58 AM EST

Space Weather: Explosions on Venus

In the grand scheme of the solar system, Venus and Earth are almost the same distance from the sun. Yet the planets differ dramatically: Venus is some 100 times hotter than Earth and its days more than 200 times longer. The atmosphere on Venus is so thick that the longest any spacecraft has survived...

Visibilty of NASA Wallops Rocket Launches
Mar 06, 2012 08:31 AM EST

Launch Madness at Wallops in March - '5 in 5'

Launch madness will hit the east coast in March as NASA launches five rockets in approximately five minutes to study the high-altitude jet stream from its Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia.

Rocket lifts off with 3G military communications
Mar 06, 2012 08:23 AM EST

Rocket Lifts Off with 3G Military Communications

An unmanned Atlas 5 rocket blasted off from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station on Friday carrying the first satellite in a new military network designed to give cellphone-like 3G communications to troops on the move.

God, Richard Dawkins, and the meaning of life
Mar 06, 2012 08:14 AM EST

God, Richard Dawkins, and the Meaning of Life

Two clever men, long past the first flush of youth, took part in a debate on God's place - or absence - in the meaning and origin of life last week in Oxford. They differed; and to no one's surprise, each remained unconvinced by the other's argument at its end. Oxford University has been hosting suc...

Don’t fear the Web
Mar 06, 2012 07:39 AM EST

Don’t Fear the Web

Does the Internet make you anxious? Do you lie awake nights worrying that Russian hackers are turning your children into sex slaves? Have you had the feeling that your iPhone is spying on you?

Mar 06, 2012 07:23 AM EST

Four-legged "Cheetah" Robot Sets New Speed Record

A four-legged robot known as the Cheetah lived up to its name on Monday, setting a new land speed record for legged robots by running at 18 mph on a treadmill at a laboratory in Massachusetts, its developer said.

Iceman Otzi
Mar 06, 2012 07:13 AM EST

DNA Data Helps to Flesh Out "Otzi" the Alpine Iceman

The first complete genome-sequencing of "Otzi," Italy's prehistoric iceman, is revealing a wealth of details about the man who roamed the Alps 5,300 years ago and could unleash a frenzy of activity among scientists thanks to open data.

Scientists see rise in tornado-creating conditions
Mar 06, 2012 07:01 AM EST

Scientists See Rise in Tornado-creating Conditions

When at least 80 tornadoes rampaged across the United States, from the Midwest to the Gulf of Mexico, last Friday, it was more than is typically observed during the entire month of March, tracking firm reported on Monday.

New universal platform for cancer immunotherapy developed by Penn-led team
Mar 05, 2012 05:33 PM EST

New Universal Platform for Cancer Immunotherapy Developed by Penn-led Team

Researchers from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania report this month in Cancer Research a universal approach to personalized cancer therapy based on T cells. It is the first time a system for making an adaptable, engineered T-cell to attack specific tumor types has be...

'Tectonic' Effects of the Collision of 1 Spherule with Another During the Cosmic Impact
Mar 05, 2012 04:56 PM EST

Study Jointly Led by UCSB Researcher Supports Theory of Extraterrestrial Impact

A 16-member international team of researchers that includes James Kennett, professor of earth science at UC Santa Barbara, has identified a nearly 13,000-year-old layer of thin, dark sediment buried in the floor of Lake Cuitzeo in central Mexico. The sediment layer contains an exotic assemblage of m...

Mar 05, 2012 04:47 PM EST

Perception and Preference May Have Genetic Link to Obesity

About five years ago, animal studies first revealed the presence of entirely novel types of oral fat sensors or receptors on the tongue. Prior to this time, it was believed that fats were perceived only by flavor and texture cues. With this new information, "everything that we thought we knew about ...

Outdoor hockey
Mar 05, 2012 04:31 PM EST

Pond Hockey Heats Up

Would Wayne Gretzky have blossomed into the Great One had he not honed his skills on a backyard rink as a kid? It's a good thing that he grew up before global warming began wreaking havoc with our weather because the days of a game of shinny on that frozen pond are numbered.

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