
Stinging Cells
Mar 05, 2012 04:09 PM EST

Stinging Came before Seeing

New research from the University of California shows how the ability to detect light could have evolved before anything like an eye. As published today (March 5) in the journal BMC Biology, the research is based on the stinging mechanism in the tiny, brainless and eyeless freshwater polyp Hydra m...

Mar 05, 2012 04:02 PM EST

Discovery of a Molecule that Initiates Maturation of Mammalian Eggs Can Lead to More IVF Pregnancies

Women who have eggs that cannot mature will not become pregnant, and they cannot be helped by in vitro fertilization (IVF). Now researchers at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, have identified a molecule called Cdk1 that has an important function for mammalian egg maturation. In the future this ...

New report questions hard-edged 'living shorelines' in estuaries
Mar 05, 2012 03:34 PM EST

New Report Questions Hard-edged 'Living Shorelines' in Estuaries

The increasing use of large breakwaters and other hard structures to reduce erosion in "living shorelines" along coastal estuaries may be no better for the environment than the ecologically harmful bulkheads they were designed to replace, according to a report this week by scientists at Duke and Wes...

Pressure Sensors
Mar 05, 2012 03:25 PM EST

Miniature Pressure Sensors for Medical Touch

The droplet goes in a flexible sandwich of the substance polydimethylsiloxane, or PDMS. The sensor acts as a variable electrical capacitor. When the sensor is pressed down, the sensing droplet is squeezed over conductive electrodes, increasing its capacitance. "There's a huge need for flexible se...

UN scientists warn of increased groundwater demands due to climate change
Mar 05, 2012 03:12 PM EST

UN Scientists Warn of Increased Groundwater Demands Due to Climate Change

Climate change has been studied extensively, but a new body of research guided by a San Francisco State University hydrologist looks beneath the surface of the phenomenon and finds that climate change will put particular strain on one of our most important natural resources: groundwater. SF State...

Mar 05, 2012 02:55 PM EST

Oxygen Detected in Atmosphere of Saturn's Moon Dione

Los Alamos National Laboratory scientists and an international research team have announced discovery of molecular oxygen ions (O2+) in the upper-most atmosphere of Dione, one of the 62 known moons orbiting the ringed planet. The research appeared recently in Geophysical Research Letters and was mad...

Research team
Mar 05, 2012 02:45 PM EST

Drexel's Gogotsi and Team Advance Understanding of Energy Storage Mechanisms in Nature Materials

An international team of materials researchers including Drexel University's Dr. Yury Gogotsi has given the engineering world a better look at the inner functions of the electrodes of supercapacitors – the low-cost, lightweight energy storage devices used in many electronics, transportation a...

Spinning Thermal Conductors
Mar 05, 2012 02:33 PM EST

Iowa State Engineer Discovers Spider Silk Conducts Heat as well as Metals

Xinwei Wang had a hunch that spider webs were worth a much closer look. So he ordered eight spiders – Nephila clavipes, golden silk orbweavers – and put them to work eating crickets and spinning webs in the cages he set up in an Iowa State University greenhouse.

Gas with highest climate impact found
Mar 05, 2012 02:22 PM EST

SRS Publishes Global Change Research Strategy

In March 2012, the Southern Research Station (SRS) published the Southern Research Station Global Change Research Strategy, 2011-2019, a Science Update that outlines SRS research priorities over the next decade in relation to climate change. Southern forests are invaluable, providing essential go...

Line Tracing
Mar 05, 2012 02:10 PM EST

App Turns Tablet into Math Aid for Visually Impaired Students

Without looking down, Kira runs her index finger across the screen of an Android tablet that she is holding in her lap. For the occasion, she has painted her fingernails bright pink. When her finger touches a line drawn on the screen, the tablet vibrates quietly. Scanning her finger back and forth a...

New App That Helps People Cope With Low Mood
Mar 05, 2012 02:04 PM EST

Women Happier in Relationships When Men Feel Their Pain

Men like to know when their wife or girlfriend is happy while women really want the man in their life to know when they are upset, according to a new study published by the American Psychological Association. The study involved a diverse sample of couples and found that men's and women's percepti...

Mar 05, 2012 01:53 PM EST

1 Year After Fukushima

The Fukushima disaster happened one year ago – the impacts are not over yet, neither in Japan nor in Germany. Immediately after the reactor accident became known, KIT established working groups that are still processing scientific findings for the public. Meanwhile, the KIT Energy Center is s...

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