
Elon Musk is known to make bold claims and follow through on them.
Oct 11, 2016 06:00 AM EDT

Tesla CEO Elon Musk On The Verge: What He’s Doing Aside from Courting Amber Heard

Tesla CEO Elon Musk has been into his micro-blogging missives over the last days or so. Aside from trying to court American actress Amber Heard, the Tesla CEO has been busy throwing out some interesting and hype-worthy tweets through his official twitter account.

Pokemon Go October Update Just Changed Your Pokédex
Oct 11, 2016 05:50 AM EDT

Pokemon Go Latest News: October Update 2016 Just Changed Your Pokédex [VIDEO]

A new minor Update in the game appears to be counting even the Pokemon you've encountered in gyms in the 'seen' marker in the Pokédex. Is it likely to affect the Gameplay?

Research Into Cancer Conducted At The Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute
Oct 11, 2016 05:36 AM EDT

Genes Linked To Cancer Prognosis Identified, Will This Be A Medical Breakthrough?

Experts identified a gene that links to cancer prognosis, it can lead them to a new cancer treatment.

Sleeping Woman
Oct 11, 2016 05:31 AM EDT

Sleep Paralysis: New Review Discusses This Real-Life Nightmare

A new review summed up cultural stories about sleep paralysis and tried to explain happenings behind the 'real-life nightmare'.

The Kohl's And Boston Children's Hospital's Healthy Family Fun Donation Announcement Event
Oct 11, 2016 05:26 AM EDT

Mental Health Awareness Week: How Children Develop A Sound Mental Health

Parents must enhance the mental health of their children for their over all well-being.

Oct 11, 2016 05:24 AM EDT

Crater Lake's Old Man: This 450 Year Old Tree Trunk Vertically Floating For 120 Years

The 30 foot long piece of ancient hemlock tree is known as The Old Man of the Lake which is believed to have been floating for 120 years.

Pre-Orders For Tesla's Model 3 Reach Over 275,000 Days After Company Announces The Car
Oct 11, 2016 05:20 AM EDT

Tesla Pushing for Massive Expansion to Cater Untapped Markets

Tesla, the Silicon Valley automobile maker is steadily focusing on expanding their facilities to cater different markets. The company has to coup with the increasing demand for their electric vehicles by expanding its production plant in Fremont, California.

Video Games releasing in october 2016
Oct 11, 2016 05:20 AM EDT

All New Video Games For XboxOne, PC, PS4 Releasing In October 2016: Gears of War 4 and Battlefield 1 Included!

October is the launch month of a huge number of Video games. Sony's PlayStation VR is also releasing this month. Now with so much to look forward to, keeping track of each and every one will be difficult.

Farmers Produce Silk In China
Oct 11, 2016 05:19 AM EDT

Spider-Worms May Be The Next Best Thing

Silkworms can now give Spider-Man a run for his money with reinforced silk productions.

Chinese Students Attend Summer Camp For Overweight Kids
Oct 11, 2016 05:18 AM EDT

Obesity Rate In 2050: Childhood Obesity To Affect Millions of Kids

The predicted obesity rate in 2050 indicates that childhood obesity will affect millions of kids worldwide.

Girls doing more chores than boys.
Oct 11, 2016 05:15 AM EDT

Chores For Girls May Result To Low Self-Esteem, Boys Must Have Equal Share

Chores given to girls is overwhelming and can affect their self-esteem.

Facebook Exhibits Technologies At Innovation Hub
Oct 11, 2016 05:10 AM EDT

Oculus Touch Motion Controllers Pre-Orders Start Pouring In: Specs, Price, And Everything You Need To Know

A notable name in making the users experience the digital World, Oculus has been very dominant over the other markets for their state of the art Virtual Reality experience. The company now offers pre-orders of the touch motion controllers which bring your hands and body into the VR World.

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