
Game Maker Ubisoft Announces New Products During E3
Oct 03, 2016 04:58 AM EDT

‘Assassin's Creed Empire’ Latest News, Update: Leaked Screenshot Suggests Egyptian Game Setting? No Release Until 2018?

Gamers will have to wait until 2018 to gain access to the “Assassin's Creed Empire,” as game developer Ubisoft is no mood to roll out the game anytime next year.

PlayStation VR releasing in few weeks, see what to expect from the core bundle box.
Oct 03, 2016 04:56 AM EDT

What’s Inside The PlayStation VR Core Bundle Box: Sony Gives A Glimpse

Sony uploaded an unboxing video of PlayStation VR to show the gaming enthusiasts what they should be expecting from the Core Bundle box.

Flu vaccine
Oct 03, 2016 04:52 AM EDT

This Year's Flu Vaccine Has Complete Transformation

To protect yourself from the virus of flu, it is advisable that you get a flu shot soon, which is different from the past year.

Oct 03, 2016 04:50 AM EDT

India Ratifies Paris Climate Change Agreement On Mahatma Gandhi's Birthday

India finally ratified the Paris Agreement -- as promised, on Gandhi's birthday.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2016
Oct 03, 2016 04:47 AM EDT

Beating Breast Cancer Through Awareness: Pinktober 2016

The best way to beat breast cancer is through awareness: get a mammogram now.

Glass of Water
Oct 03, 2016 04:45 AM EDT

Hydration Facts: Thirst At Bedtime Has Important Message For The Body, Study Suggests

Thirst at bedtime is normal, and such feeling might indicate the need to protect one's body from dehydration.

Bed Covers
Oct 03, 2016 04:34 AM EDT

Could Humans 'Make Love' In Space? Yes, But It Won’t Be As Passionate As Earth Sex

Could humans possibly procreate in space or will sex be an issue?

Oct 03, 2016 04:16 AM EDT

Can Drinking Coffee Lower Down Older Women's Risk For Dementia?

A new study suggests that older women who drink two to three cups of coffee daily may be at lower risk of dementia and other forms of cognitive impairment.

Raspberry Pi can help you design a digital dashboard for an older car
Oct 03, 2016 04:12 AM EDT

Raspberry Pi Course: How To Build A Digital Dashboard For An Older Car?

Rasberry Pi 3 can be used to design a digital dashboard for an older pre-OBD-II car.

Humans on Mars
Oct 03, 2016 04:09 AM EDT

SpaceX To Send Humans To Mars: Who's The Best Candidate As Mars' Colonist?

Do you want to go to the awesome red planet? Here's how.

Space Shuttle Endeavour Makes 2-Day Trip Through LA Streets To Its Final Destination
Oct 03, 2016 04:06 AM EDT

United Nations Will Launch Its First Space Mission

U.N. will launch its first space mission and allows other countries to participate.

Oct 03, 2016 03:49 AM EDT

Alcohol Can Treat Depression, Affects Brain The Same Way As Rapid Acting Antidepressants

Researchers found that alcohol can have the same molecular and neural changes in the body as rapid antidepressants.

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