The Kola Superdeep Borehole, the deepest hole ever drilled by man, lies in Murmansk, Russia.
Dark matter detector extremely sensitive, but comes up with nothing close about the dark matter.
A national survey of alcohol and substance abuse showed that chronic pain is one of the main reasons why people engage in these behaviors.
Health officials have confirmed a human case of the mosquito-borne West Nile virus in Lancaster County.
A new study from Ian Hutchings showed that the page actually contained something groundbreaking: The first written records demonstrating the laws of friction.
Small robots may be humanity's hope against deadly diseases.
The WhatsApp for Android beta v2.16.189 adds two new features: Callback and Voicemail.
Your beloved hedgehog is back, bringing your cool childhood memories back to life.
Great Barrier Reef is deteriorating, and fast.
An extreme heat wave scorches the central and eastern U.S.causing deaths.
Do you experience tinnitus? Know more about this irritating ear sensation.
A few strategies to catch Rare Pokémon like Dragonair, Dragonite, Gyarados, Snorlax and Porygon.