When exactly will the newest installment for "Half Life" be released?
A cosmic map will be used to map distant galaxies to help understand the greatest mystery of the universe.
"Star Wars Battlefront" Skirmish mode is a new update for players who want to play offline.
A study reveals that extra virgin olive oil is a healthy option for frying fish.
The radio telescope found 1,300 never before seen galaxies in one tiny corner of the universe.
A new leaked video shows how the next generation iPhone might look like.
Recent studies showed that elephants, which are social animals, need friends more than they need large spaces in zoo enclosures.
Who says only Harry Potter can enjoy invisibility? You could probably have your own invisibility cloak soon.
A new study has found that the immune system condition has direct impact on the social behavior in mice.
The sepsis, the largest killer of newborn and children worldwide, could be battled by a protein fragment, which kills the bacteria that trigger it.
New reports suggest the Samsung tablet could be unveiled sometime in September.
As Pokemon Go players search for Pokemon, some restaurants lure customers with rare Pokemon