Turning off lights at home is not only energy efficient and cost-saving, but it is also a healthy habit to practice too, according to scientists.
Unearthed 214.65 carat diamond was discovered in the Nyurbinskoye placer deposit and was reported by Alrosa.
Nintendo will release a miniature NES, watch out for it!
Prince Harry showed that being tested for HIV can only take for about 4 minutes.
Mercedes Benz 3D Printing produces various plastic truck components and other car parts from old catalogs or model lines.
The US committee that oversees auto safety issues asks Tesla Motors company to explain themselves about the fatal May 7 crash.
New reports suggest the game’s release may likely happen in November.
A supernova might have occurred around the right time and at the right distance from Earth to contribute to a minor mass extinction several million years ago.
It's not yet the end of the world, but holes have been found in the Sun's Atmosphere.
Recent study has revealed that the make and female brains react differently to stress.
2015 RR245 is a dwarf planet -- but what makes dwarf planets different from asteroids?
Russia, in a move against international laws, is planning on launching weaponized space plane.