
Eye Treatment
Mar 16, 2017 05:14 AM EDT

Unproven Stem Cell Treatment Blinds 3 Florida Women

Three women were blinded after they had unproven stem cell surgery done.

Australia's Deadliest Animals
Mar 16, 2017 04:54 AM EDT

Spiders Are Top Predators, New Study Finds

Scientists discover spiders to be massive prey consumers in the world.

ESOcast 100 Light: Dark Matter Less Influential In Early Universe
Mar 16, 2017 04:42 AM EDT

Normal Matter Dominates Dark Matter In Early Galaxies

Dark matter, which envelops the Universe by 84 percent today, was much smaller in the galaxies in the early Universe.

Milky Way's Supermassive Black Hole
Mar 16, 2017 04:40 AM EDT

Astonishing Black Hole Facts Revealed By Scientists

The new black hole facts shed light on the formation of galaxies.

Vernal Equinox Dates 2017 Revealed
Mar 16, 2017 04:30 AM EDT

Vernal Equinox Dates 2017 Revealed

March 20, 2017 is the celestial last day of winter and the first day of spring.

B Vitamins Might Reduce Effects Of Air Pollution
Mar 16, 2017 04:28 AM EDT

B Vitamins Would Likely Reduce The Impact Of Air Pollution, New Study Says

Taking B vitamins could reduce the harmful effects of air pollution.

Presence Of Zika Virus In Sperm
Mar 16, 2017 04:10 AM EDT

Presence Of Zika Virus In Sperm Donated By Men In Florida Region Suspected

CDC recommends to halt sperm donations.

Mammals Shrink
Mar 16, 2017 04:00 AM EDT

Global Warming May Shrink The Mammals, A New Study Reveals

Mammals could shrink as the carbon dioxide heightens and warms the planet Earth.

Levi's Smart Commuter Jacket
Mar 15, 2017 05:08 AM EDT

Goggle And Levi's 'Smart Jacket' Is the World's First Garment To Incorporate Technology

Google and Levi's "smart jacket" could interact with a smartphone using the Bluetooth.

Scientists Make Microscopes From Droplets
Mar 15, 2017 04:59 AM EDT

MIT Develops 'Microlenses' Made From Water Droplets That Could Magnify Things

MIT researchers created "microlenses" that could act as microscopes.

NOAA Report Shows Carbon Dioxide Levels In Atmosphere Reached Record High Last Year
Mar 15, 2017 04:48 AM EDT

Scott Pruitt's Stance On Climate Change Angers Scientists

Scientists rally to defend findings on climate change after EPA administrator denied humans as cause.

Dental Checking
Mar 15, 2017 04:33 AM EDT

Anesthesia Kills 4-Year-Old After Standard Dental Visit

Oregon boy killed after dental surgery.

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