
Slideshow: IBM Research Created The World's Smallest Magnet -- An Atom
Mar 10, 2017 04:10 AM EST

World's Smallest Magnet Made From A Single Atom Developed

IBM Research scientists created the world's smallest magnet that consists of a single atom.

Pink Water Shocks Town
Mar 10, 2017 03:40 AM EST

Why The Water In A Canadian Town Turned Into Bright Pink?

The residents of a Canadian town were shocked to see their water turned into bright pink.

Coral Bleaching
Mar 10, 2017 03:40 AM EST

Another Mass Bleaching Occurs In Great Barrier Reef

Mass coral bleaching occurs in the Great Barrier Reef for the second time in two years.

A Neanderthal
Mar 10, 2017 03:20 AM EST

Vegetarian Neanderthals Shed New Light On Human Ancestors

Vegetarian Neanderthals sheds new light on human ancestors and can help give insights on our health.

How To Make Yogurt At Home
Mar 10, 2017 03:13 AM EST

Probiotic Bacteria Found In Yogurt Could Treat Depression, New Study Reveals

A new study suggests that yogurt, which contains Lactobacillus, could treat depression.

Political Laxity May Lead To Zika Virus Outbreak
Mar 10, 2017 03:00 AM EST

Political Laxity May Lead To Zika Virus Outbreak

The time lost while officiating vaccine development and testing may cause viral outbreak.

Quantum Physics And Consciousness
Mar 09, 2017 05:59 AM EST

Quantum Physics And Consciousness: A Mystery Yet To Be Resolved

Multiple events on artistic portrayal of the inter-connections between quantum physics and consciousness.

Stardust In Young Galaxy
Mar 09, 2017 05:56 AM EST

Ancient Stardust Sheds Light On First Stars In Universe

Ancient stardust puts a timeframe on when the first stars were seen in the universe.

Dating App
Mar 09, 2017 05:52 AM EST

Secret Tinder For Models, Rich People Available

There is a secret Tinder for models, rich people and celebrities, and you have to be one of them to meet a rich, good-looking match.

The Good Thing About Melting Arctic Ice!
Mar 09, 2017 05:50 AM EST

The Good Thing About Melting Arctic Ice

The melting of Arctic ice is a silver lining for those living in remote parts of Alaska and Norway.

2017 Breakthrough Prize - Show
Mar 09, 2017 05:28 AM EST

Stephen Hawking: People Must Control Aggression

Stephen Hawking warns that aggression could lead to the demise of the human race.

Ramat Beit Shemesh
Mar 09, 2017 05:19 AM EST

Ancient Coins And 2,000-Year-Old 'Emperor's Road' Uncovered In Israel

Archaeologists found an ancient road dated back around 2,000 years ago and four prehistoric coins in Israel.

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