
UFO Meteorite Fireball
Mar 02, 2017 03:00 AM EST

The Mysterious 'Fireball' Spotted Off Australia's South Coast Inspires Alien Conspiracy Theorists

Is it a meteorite, a comet or a plane contrail? Ask a delighted alien conspiracy theorist and he will answer the "alien life had finally made it to Tasmania."

UFO incredible NEW! UFO 2017
Mar 01, 2017 05:40 PM EST

UFO's Reported Sightings Stretch To More Than Hundred Thousand For Over A Century

Based on the data of the National UFO Reporting Center, there were already more than hundred thousand of UFO sightings.

Subway Chicken Is Fake! DNA Test Confirms
Mar 01, 2017 04:41 AM EST

Subway Chicken Is Fake! DNA Test Confirms

Shocking findings indicate that chickens served in Subway outlets in Canada are only half chicken.

Onthophagus Taurus
Mar 01, 2017 04:35 AM EST

The Genetics Behind Sexual Dimorphism Unraveled By Scientists

The gene responsible for sexual dimorphism in insects provide new insights into sex-based morphological and anatomical differences.

NASA Curiosity Rover: Incredible Video Of Dust Devils On Martian Surface Released
Mar 01, 2017 04:24 AM EST

NASA Curiosity Rover Latest News: Incredible Video Of Dust Devils On Martian Surface Released

NASA released the video of multiple dust devils circulating on the Martian surface.

Dust Devils On Mars Seen By NASA's Curiosity Rover
Mar 01, 2017 03:53 AM EST

Curiosity Rover Captures Images Of Blowing Dust Devils On Planet Mars (Video)

NASA's Curiosity rover spotted dust devils spinning on the surface of the Red Planet.

Great-Risk Bacteria
Mar 01, 2017 03:50 AM EST

WHO Publishes 12 Great-Risk Bacteria

WHO recently put 12 types of bacteria in "urgent" priorities.

Iranian Baby
Mar 01, 2017 03:49 AM EST

Iranian Baby Affected By Travel Ban Recovers From Surgery

Iranian baby recovering from surgery after Trump's travel ban delayed the procedure.

Giant Penguin Fossil Discovered In New Zealand
Mar 01, 2017 03:20 AM EST

Newfound Fossils Reveal Giant Penguins Evolved During The Dinosaur Age

The penguin fossils of leg bones reveal that giant penguins evolved during the dinosaur age.

Building The Largest Space Telescope Ever
Mar 01, 2017 03:20 AM EST

$8B James Webb Telescope Gets Overhauling, Undergoing Series Of Tests

The most expensive telescope is now overhauled before its launching in October 2018.

Galaxy Collision
Mar 01, 2017 03:15 AM EST

Black Holes 100X More Destructive Than Previously Thought

Black holes actually are present and are more destructive than thought. Galaxies can collide in every 10 to 100 years.

Bactrian Camel
Mar 01, 2017 03:00 AM EST

Get A Glimpse Of Wild Camels That Eat Snow (Video)

To sustain their need of water, these wild camels graze on snow.

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