
Feb 24, 2017 04:27 AM EST

Chaco Civilization Insights Prove Maternal Dynasty In The Americas

Chaco civilization may have had a society ruled by females, but not everyone is convinced.

Antacids Cause Liver Damage, Study Suggests
Feb 24, 2017 04:18 AM EST

Antacids Cause Liver Damage, Study Suggests

Scientists studying antacid liver damage say that it remains symptomless and thus hard to diagnose in early stages.

Feb 24, 2017 03:56 AM EST

TRAPPIST-1 Discovery: A 'Giant Leap' In Finding Alien Life

Three of these Earth-size exoplanets are within the star's habitable zone.

Feb 24, 2017 03:52 AM EST

TRAPPIST-1: Can Mankind Reach The Newly Discovered Seven-Planet Solar System In Our Lifetime?

Newly discovered TRAPPIST-1 star system has raised everyone's excitement level, but will humans be able to travel to it anytime soon?

Cone Snail Venom
Feb 24, 2017 03:45 AM EST

Sea Snail Venom Could Be Painkillers; Alternative To Opioids

Could the sea snail venom resolve the issue of the overused opioid medications?

Cardiology: Do You Know The Warning Signs Of Heart Disease?
Feb 24, 2017 03:38 AM EST

Females With Heart Problem Tend To Feel Anxious And Have Negative Feelings, Research Shows

Females have a higher feeling of anxiety and negative feelings compared to males.

Graphite Converting To Diamond
Feb 24, 2017 03:28 AM EST

Why Does A Graphite Turn Into Hexagonal Diamond, Not Cubic?

The scientists finally resolved the conversion of graphite into hexagonal diamond and not the usual cubic diamond.

Feb 24, 2017 02:58 AM EST

Disintegration Of Martian Moons Could Lead To Saturn-Like Rings Around The Red Planet

Does the planet Mars could have future rings just like the ringed planets such as Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune?

TRAPPIST-1 Solar System
Feb 24, 2017 02:52 AM EST

Five Amazing Facts About The Newly Discovered ‘TRAPPIST-1’ Solar System That Has Seven Earths

Discover five amazing facts about the TRAPPIST-1 solar system, which has seven Earth-like planets.

Feb 24, 2017 02:47 AM EST

NASA Discovers Potentially Habitable ‘Sister Solar System TRAPPIST-1’ With Seven Earths

Astronomers have discovered seven Earth-sized planets orbiting nearby star.

Andromeda Galaxy
Feb 23, 2017 10:49 PM EST

Astronomers May Have Detected Signals Of Dark Matter From Andromeda Galaxy

These signals are similar to those found in the Milky Way in 2014.

Racial Discrimination
Feb 23, 2017 05:56 AM EST

Racial Discrimination Linked To Deteriorating Health Conditions Of Black Canadians

Health officials in Canada pointed out that racial discrimination can deteriorating physical health.

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