
Feb 27, 2017 03:30 AM EST

TRAPPIST-1: What Would Life On These Exoplanets Be Like?

Scientists describe how life in TRAPPIST-1 planets looks like.

Overflowing Glory Hole Spillway At Lake Berryessa
Feb 27, 2017 03:20 AM EST

The Mesmerizing Hole At Lake Berryessa Becomes A Popular Sight-Seeing Spot

It mesmerizes the Californians as they take photos and videos of the 72-foot wide concrete funnel.

Annular Eclipse
Feb 27, 2017 03:10 AM EST

'Ring Of Fire' Eclipse: Africa, South America Plunged Into Darkness On Sunday

The "Ring of Fire" lasted for roughly a minute that was visible in Africa and South America on Sunday.

The Gignatic Doorway To The Underworld
Feb 27, 2017 03:00 AM EST

'Doorway To The Underworld': Siberia's Batagaika Crater Is Expanding Rapidly

The Batagaika crater in Siberia is expanding rapidly that it might reach the neighboring valley in the coming months.

New Diabetes Treatment Found: Low-Calorie Fasting Diet
Feb 25, 2017 05:13 AM EST

New Diabetes Treatment Found: Low-Calorie Fasting Diet Repairs Pancreatic Cell Damage And Cures Diabetes

Regenerating the pancreatic cells rather than injecting insulin helps in permanent treatment of diabetes.

Excessive Social Media Usage
Feb 25, 2017 04:12 AM EST

Excessive Social Media Usage Is A Leading Cause Of Depression In Americans, APA Says

"Constant checkers" are more prone to mental depression.

Giant Penguin
Feb 25, 2017 04:05 AM EST

Giant Penguins Lived Alongside Dinosaurs Millions Of Years Ago?

Giant penguins and dinosaurs walked on Earth at the same time at one point?

Russian Cargo Craft Arrives At The International Space Station
Feb 25, 2017 03:59 AM EST

Guess Which Space Agency Successfully Launched And Docked With The ISS; It Is Not SpaceX

After the successful delivery of supplies by SpaceX, another space agency also successfully brought a cargo to the ISS.

First Manned Deep Space Mission
Feb 25, 2017 03:49 AM EST

NASA Plans First Manned Deep Space Mission Of The Orion Spacecraft

Safety of the crew is being addressed, before the mission gets a green signal.

SN 1987A
Feb 25, 2017 03:30 AM EST

Supernova 1987A: 30 Years After The Cosmic Explosion

Happy birthday, SN 1987A!

Virus Evolution
Feb 25, 2017 03:24 AM EST

Bioterror Attack: Bill Gates Speaks About Fighting Global Pandemics That Could Kill Millions Of People

The billionaire philanthropist calls for preparedness in fighting global pandemics that could kill millions of people all around the globe.

The Sun Will Turn Into A Ring Of Fire
Feb 25, 2017 03:20 AM EST

First Solar Eclipse 2017: Catch The 'Ring Of Fire' On Sunday

An annular eclipse also referred to as the "Ring of Fire" will be visible on Sunday morning.

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