
Mother And Child
Feb 22, 2017 04:20 AM EST

Treatment Not Punishment: AAP Releases A New Statement Regarding On Pregnant Women Under Opioid Influence

There are no healthy benefits for both mother and the unborn child if the mom gets punished.

Total Solar Eclipse
Feb 22, 2017 04:10 AM EST

Total Solar Eclipse And Blood Moon: Are People Living In The End Times?

Do solar and lunar eclipses herald the apocalypse?

Parents Unsure If Kids Are Eating Healthy Enough
Feb 22, 2017 04:00 AM EST

Nutrition Facts: Parents Don't Think They Feed Their Kids Nutritionally Right - Survey

Parents wanted to feed their kids food that is high in nutrition but convenience might be a problem.

NASA's Operation IceBridge Maps Changes To Antartica's Ice Mass
Feb 22, 2017 03:50 AM EST

Crack In Antarctic Ice Shelf Could Produce Iceberg

The Larsen C shelf could break off and form a new ice berg at any time.

Nuclear Power Plants
Feb 22, 2017 03:30 AM EST

On-Sea Nuclear Power Plants: New Method For Uranium Extraction From Seawater Developed By Scientists

Extracting uranium present in seawater could fuel nuclear power plants in the future.

Singapore Sky
Feb 22, 2017 03:20 AM EST

A Stunning, Colorful 'Fire Rainbow' Spotted In The Sky Of Singapore

The Singaporeans witness wonders from the sky such as the stunning "fire rainbow" that lightens up their sky.

The Annual Perseid Meteor Shower From Bryce Canyon National Park
Feb 22, 2017 03:10 AM EST

Is This Really The Sound Of A Falling Meteor? Study Reveals

When meteor fills the air, one could hear a mysterious crackling noise.

Prize Shark
Feb 22, 2017 03:00 AM EST

What Killed This Mysterious Half-Eaten Shark Washed Up On A Florida Beach?

A half-eaten 5-foot shark was spotted on the Florida beach.

Baby Moving Inside Pregnant Mom's Belly Mom And Baby Compilation
Feb 21, 2017 04:40 AM EST

Older Moms Are More Likely To Give Birth To Children With Better Thinking Abilities, Research Says

The research found that older moms gave birth to kids with a better cognitive ability that is very important.

Feb 21, 2017 04:20 AM EST

E-Cigarettes: Researchers Find Abnormalities In Heart Function Of Electronic Cigarette Users; Is This Confirmed?

E-cigarettes hit the markers that are being used for the risk factors in heart function.

Manhattan-Sized Iceberg Just Broke Away From Antarctica
Feb 21, 2017 04:13 AM EST

Global Warming: Warmer Temperature Cuts off An Iceberg In Antarctica With A Size Of Manhattan

Global warming cuts off an iceberg due to the rising temperature of its surroundings.

Feb 21, 2017 04:10 AM EST

Elephant Numbers Continue To Dwindle

Despite extraordinary measures set up to help protect the species, elephant population is still dwindling in Central Africa.

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