
Self-Driving Cars Will Soon Run On California Roads
Mar 13, 2017 06:20 AM EDT

Self-Driving Cars Will Soon Run On California Roads

The California DMV has finally given the nod for on-road testing of self-driving cars inside the state.

Falcon 9 Rocket
Mar 13, 2017 06:07 AM EDT

SpaceX Falcon 9 To Send EchoStar 23 Communications Satellite To Space

EchoStar 23 is set for launch on March 14 after several delays.

Scott Pruitt
Mar 13, 2017 05:49 AM EDT

Scott Pruitt: CO2 Not Primary Contributor To Global Warming

Scott Pruitt denies CO2 being important in the climate change game.

Candida Auris
Mar 13, 2017 05:37 AM EDT

New Fungus Outbreak In US Alerts CDC

Candida Auris reaches the United States, alarming the CDC and health groups.

iPhone 5/5s/5c
Mar 13, 2017 05:26 AM EDT

The Power From People's Phones And Computers Could Be Used To Treat Childhood Cancer?

Scientists use the power of gadgets such as smartphones, tablets or computers to run medical simulations.

The String Theory
Mar 13, 2017 05:19 AM EDT

Could A 'String Theory' Be The Key To Understanding The Universe?

According to the world-renowned physicist, the "string theory" could have the potential to be a "Theory of Everything."

Iran/Hamadan Esther & Mordechai
Mar 13, 2017 04:46 AM EDT

The Tomb Of Heroes Queen Esther And Mordechai Is Still Displayed In Iran

The Tomb of Queen Esther and her uncle, Mordechai, is still standing in Iran and not neglected or abused.

How These Snakes Caused Power Outages In Guam
Mar 13, 2017 04:26 AM EDT

The Plague Of Snakes Is Impacting Bird Populations And Forests Of Guam

Guam is infested with brown tree snakes, and these are affecting its bird and tree populations.

NASA, SpaceX Work Together On Mars Mission
Mar 13, 2017 04:04 AM EDT

US Government Wants NASA To Advance Toward Human Missions To Mars In The 2030s

The NASA Authorization Act of 2017 has been passed by Congress to get humans to Mars by 2030s.

This Desert In The Southwest Is Experiencing A Wildflower ‘Superbloom’
Mar 11, 2017 03:20 AM EST

Breathtaking And Rare Wildflower 'Super Bloom' Envelops A Californian Desert

Catch the stunning wildflowers in "super bloom" at this time in a Californian desert.

Top 10 Iconic Cheeses
Mar 11, 2017 03:07 AM EST

Consuming Much Cheese May Heighten The Risk Of Breast Cancer, Yet Yogurt Lessens The Risk

Too much cheese intake may increase the risk of developing breast cancer, but yogurt reduces it.

Could Potatoes Grow On Mars?
Mar 10, 2017 04:30 AM EST

Could Potatoes Grow On Mars? New Experiments Reveal

The potatoes could possibly grow on the Red Planet based on the new experiments.

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