
Mar 08, 2013 02:42 PM EST

Penn State Shows IPV Support for Women is Insufficient, Only One in Nine Women Receive Preventive Counseling on Violence and Safety

According to a recent study, women who have experienced intimate partner violence may not be receiving proper treatment.

cultured neuron with projecting dendrites
Mar 08, 2013 01:53 PM EST

Adult Brain Can Become Young And Flexible Again By Molecular Switch

Researchers identified the crucial genetic switch that lets the brain mature, and also showed that the process can be reversed by switching it again.

Mar 08, 2013 12:01 PM EST

Rats Communicate Through Sniffing at Each Other, Scientists Learn

Ever seen a couple of rats sniffing at each other? New research released Thursday shed light over a new fact that rats have the ability to communicate with one another by sniffing.

Mar 08, 2013 11:39 AM EST

Brain Pacemaker may Help Patients with Anorexia Nervosa, Stimulates Reward Centers of the Brain

New reports indicate that treatment of anorexia nervosa can be helped with a brain pacemaker.

Mar 08, 2013 11:07 AM EST

PTSD High in Army, Soldier Suicides Outpace Combat Deaths

Recent reports indicate the army has more than doubled the number of military and civilian behavioral health workers in the past five years. However, a litany of shortcomings still plaques the force when it comes to diagnosing and treating soldiers for post-traumatic stress disorder, according to an...

Greenland Ice Sheet
Mar 08, 2013 10:51 AM EST

Recent Global Temperature Rise is Fastest in 11,000 Years since Last Ice Age

There's an increasing amount of evidence that the climate has dramatically warmed up over the past century, and now a new study examining 11,000 years of climate temperatures shows the Earth is head towards an even more significant rise in heat.

Link Between Poverty and Obesity is More Prevalent in Women
Mar 08, 2013 07:50 AM EST

Obese Moms at Higher Risk of Heart Attack after Childbirth

A latest Danish study claims that obese mothers are at a higher risk of suffering a heart attack or stroke after childbirth.

Curiosity Rover
Mar 08, 2013 07:29 AM EST

NASA Puts Curiosity on Standby after Solar Flare

Curiosity, which was designed to withstand the harsh Martian weather conditions, including solar outbursts, was put on standby as a precaution since the rover has just recovered from last week's computer glitch.

New Bacteria in Lake Vostok is Actually a Contamination: New Reports
Mar 08, 2013 06:36 AM EST

New Type of Bacteria Found Buried in Antarctica's Lake Vostok

Russian scientists have discovered a new type of bacterial life from water samples taken from the ancient Lake Vostok that is below two miles of Antarctica ice.

Mar 08, 2013 05:25 AM EST

Brisk Walking Improves Health of Stroke Survivors

Researchers from the University of West Indies in Jamaica suggest that stroke survivors can improve the quality of their life with regular brisk walking.

U.S. Food Bloggers Demand Kraft to Stop Using Food Dyes in Mac & Cheese
Mar 08, 2013 04:38 AM EST

Food Bloggers Demand Kraft to Stop Using Food Dyes in Mac & Cheese

A campaign has been launched by two food bloggers Vani Hari- Food Babe and Lisa Leake- 100 Days of Real Food, demanding Kraft to stop the use of artificial food dyes in its Macaroni & Cheese.

Rise in Sea Level
Mar 08, 2013 12:11 AM EST

Glaciers in Canadian Arctic Will Melt Faster And Irreversibly

Canada's Arctic Archipelago glaciers will melt faster than ever in the next few centuries

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