
A new photo sent from a space satellite could through more light on the history of the Vikings and their foray into the Western hemisphere.
Mar 06, 2013 09:23 PM EST

Mythical Viking 'Sunstone' Found in Shipwreck?

The legendary Viking “sunstone” may have existed and may have been found, French scientists claim.

Mar 06, 2013 08:12 PM EST

Some Processed Meats Linked to Higher Rates of Cancer and Heart Disease, Possibly due to Preservatives

For breakfast lovers and lunchmeat fanatics, it is a sad day. Two of the staple foods-bacon and bologna-have been shown to accelerate the risk of two big time killers: cancer and heart disease.

Mar 06, 2013 07:38 PM EST

'Snowquester': Storm Hits Washington, Including Power Outages (VIDEO)

The winter storm that hit the Midwest will now be rolling through the mid-Atlantic area, ready to hit our nation's capital, with potential power outages.

LHC proton-lead collisions CERN
Mar 06, 2013 07:06 PM EST

"Spin Doctors" Are Working on the Higgs Boson Question

Physicists announced today, speaking at the ongoing Moriond conference in La Thuile, Italy, that the new particle discovered at CERN last year that is most likely the Higgs boson is looking more and more like the real thing. However, more analysis is still required before a definitive statement can ...

Princess Elisabeth Antarctica have recently discovered a meteorite
Mar 06, 2013 05:29 PM EST

Large Antarctic Meteorite Found by Expedition Close to Belgium's Station

A team of scientists was very successful in their hunt for meteorites in Antarctica and found one of the largest ever, among a total of 425 meteorites. The team, based at Belgium's Princess Elisabeth Antarctica research base, discovered the meteorite weighing 18kg embedded in the East Antarctic ice ...

Herschel infrared observatory nebula esa
Mar 06, 2013 04:56 PM EST

Infrared Space Telescope Herschel Runs Out of Coolant

The crucial liquid helium coolant of ESA’s Herschel space observatory is set to run out in just a few weeks, which will mean the end of the device that served astronomers for more than three exciting years studying the cool Universe.

Mar 06, 2013 03:34 PM EST

25 Hospitals Turn Down Man: Japan's Medical Services Short Staffed

Japan may not be the best place to go when you're having medical issues, especially due to overcrowded hospital room and staff shortages.

Nano-device hardware architecture, graphene antenna
Mar 06, 2013 02:46 PM EST

Graphene Antennas to Reach Terabits of Wireless Bandwidth

A big bottleneck of current data transfer technology, the slow speed of wireless transfers, is now in the early stage of being addressed. Researchers at Georgia Tech have drawn up blueprints for a wireless antenna made from atom-thin sheets of carbon, or graphene, that could allow terabit-per-second...

Black Hole
Mar 06, 2013 11:46 AM EST

New Insights into Life and Death of Black Holes Revealed: Firewall Paradox Dispelled

The black hole firewall paradox is incorrect, according to a new study.

Falkland Islands Wolf
Mar 06, 2013 10:57 AM EST

Mysterious Origin of Falkland Islands Wolf Solved with Ancient DNA

The mystery of how a fox-like wolf came to live on the Falkland Islands may have finally been solved.

Polar bear
Mar 06, 2013 09:00 AM EST

Polar Bear Trade Ban Could Save Species, But Ruin Economy

An attempt to ban the international trade in polar bear parts has provoked a battle at the CITES conservation meeting in Bangkok.

Mount Etna
Mar 06, 2013 08:34 AM EST

Watch Italy's Explosive Mount Etna Erupt, Lighting up the Night Sky (Video)

Mount Etna sent plumes of ash and lava into the night sky on Tuesday, creating a spectacular sight for anyone nearby. Watch it for yourself!

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