
Woolly Rhino
Mar 06, 2013 08:13 AM EST

Ancient Woolly Rhino Discovered, Giving Clues about Earth's Icy Climate

A woolly rhino has been discovered by scientists and may give clues about Earth's ancient, icy climate.

New Moms Show Signs of OCD: Study
Mar 06, 2013 08:03 AM EST

New Moms Show Signs of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Study

A new mother who has recently given birth has a higher rate of obsessive compulsive disorder than the general population, according to Northwestern University in Illinois.

Capuchin Monkeys
Mar 06, 2013 07:41 AM EST

Monkeys Avoid 'Jerks': Research Reveals Capuchins Shun Selfish Humans

Even monkeys can tell when someone is being a jerk. New research reveals that capuchins who observed humans acting badly were less likely to interact with them.

Curiosity Rover
Mar 06, 2013 07:15 AM EST

Curiosity Back to Active Status: NASA

NASA announced Monday that its Mars rover Curiosity has recovered from last week's computer glitch and has transitioned from safe mode to active status. The officials hope that the rover will resume its operations by next week.

Jupiter's Moon Europa Most Likely to Support Life
Mar 06, 2013 07:14 AM EST

Jupiter's Moon, Europa, May Have Earth-like Seas: New Possibility of Life

Earth isn't the only planet that has a sea. Jupiter's moon, Europa, also has a vast, subsurface ocean--and it may be just like ours.

China Destroys Illegal Ivory to Raise Awareness about Elephant Poaching
Mar 06, 2013 06:41 AM EST

Environmentalists Accuse Google of Promoting Ivory Ads in Japan

The Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) has accused Internet giant Google for promoting thousands of ads on a Japanese shopping site.

Missing One of the Nine Types of Care Proves to be Fatal for Heart Attack Patients
Mar 06, 2013 05:46 AM EST

HIV Infection Increases Risk of Heart Attack

The association between HIV, the virus that triggers AIDS and heart diseases is not new. When compared to the normal people those living the human immunodeficiency virus have an increased risk of suffering a heart attack, states the latest study.

morning sickness
Mar 06, 2013 02:21 AM EST

Exercise Lowers Rate of Cesarean Deliveries in Healthy Pregnant Women

It is known that exercising throughout pregnancy really benefits women, as it improves the mother's stamina during delivery. It is good for both the mother and the growing baby inside the womb. Despite the benefits exercise provides, many still fear it, feeling that it could harm the growing fetus.

Positive Attitude Boosts Longevity in Older Adults
Mar 06, 2013 02:08 AM EST

Older Adults Who Play Video Games Feel More Positive and Happy

Researchers at the University of North Carolina State have come up with an interesting finding which states that older adults who play video games have higher levels of emotional well-being.

Scientists Hear The February Russian Meteor in America
Mar 06, 2013 01:02 AM EST

Meteorite Perfume to Be Launched in Chelyabinsk Russia

Meteorite perfume, why not--it sounds more interesting than one of the random off-the-shelf celebrity scents, and especially it is set to be truly unique. Authorities in the Chelyabinsk Region, which was hit by a meteorite on February 15, on Tuesday announced plans to launch a new perfume with the s...

Female Hormones Play a Key Role in Obesity Among Western Men
Mar 06, 2013 12:40 AM EST

High Amounts of Visceral Fat Linked to an Increased Risk for Colon Cancer

Visceral fat or fat stored in the abdominal cavity has been directly linked to an increased risk for colon cancer, according to data from a mouse study published in Cancer Prevention Research, a journal of the American Association for Cancer Research.

One in Five U.S. Men Report Violence Toward Intimate Partner
Mar 05, 2013 11:17 PM EST

Norwegian University of Science and Technology Links Insomnia to Higher Rates of Heart Failure

A recent study confirms that people who suffer from insomnia may have an increased risk for developing heart failure.

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