
Mar 05, 2013 10:35 PM EST

'Nightmare Bacteria' Becoming Resistant to Antibiotics

What has been referred to as "nightmare bacteria" has become increasingly resistant to the strongest antibiotics infected patients in 3.9 percent of all U.S. hospitals in the first half of 2012, including 17.8 percent of specialty hospitals, according to recent reports from public health officials.

Cassini spacecraft magnetic environment of Saturn magnetosphere
Mar 05, 2013 07:11 PM EST

Cassini-Huygens At Saturn's Bow Shock [Image]

While crossing the bow shock on Feb. 3, 2007, Cassini recorded a particularly strong shock in a "quasi-parallel" orientation, where the magnetic field and the direction of the front of the shock's movement are almost aligned. Under these conditions, significant particle acceleration was detected for...

Piezoelectric Graphene
Mar 05, 2013 06:11 PM EST

Super Effective Camera Chips And Solar Cells Possible With Graphene

Theoretically expected, it was now experimentally proven by scientists for the first time that the fascinating new material graphene is also highly efficient at converting light into electricity--which makes it an ideal candidate to boost the sensitivity of imaging sensors and also to increase the m...

Mar 05, 2013 03:22 PM EST

Ancient Superpredator Stalked Prehistoric Sharks

An ancient superpredator once stalked the waters of present-day Erie, consuming prehistoric sharks. Now, geologist Scott McKenzie is hoping to recover the fossilized bones of this massive beast.

DNAzyme catalyst combined with gold nanoparticles
Mar 05, 2013 03:06 PM EST

DNA Powder And Gold Nanoparticles Enable New Rapid Disease Test

Using DNA powder and gold nanoparticles, a new diagnostic system could enable rapid point-of-care diagnosis of the world's leading infectious diseases in the near future, replacing the currently needed expensive and time consuming tests in labs.

Mar 05, 2013 02:55 PM EST

Comets May Reveal Cosmic Origin of Life on Earth

Life on Earth may have had its origin in space. A new study that simulated conditions in deep space reveals that comets could have seeded life on our planet.

Ocean Ramsey
Mar 05, 2013 02:11 PM EST

Great White Sharks in Danger: Ocean Ramsey Swims with Them to Save Them (Video)

Ocean Ramsey is out to save great white sharks--by swimming with them. Check out the video of her free diving with a massive shark.

Researchers Identify Potential Risk Factors for Urinary Tract Infections in Young Girls
Mar 05, 2013 01:24 PM EST

Reduce Fear and Traumatic Stress: New Findings Reveal Protein Synthesis Blocker Could Help

It may be possible to reduce fear and stress following a traumatic event just by providing a protein synthesis blocker to the brain.

Mar 05, 2013 01:17 PM EST

Gruesome Mummy Head Reveals Science Advances during Medieval Period

The revelation of a mummy head shows historians that medieval science may have been more modernized than suspected.

Space Invader, Abell 68
Mar 05, 2013 12:38 PM EST

NASA's Hubble Telescope Reveals Space Invader: Abell 68 Galaxy Cluster

NASA'S Hubble Telescope has revealed a space invader--in the form of a very distant galaxy cluster. The NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope has picked out Abell 68, a cluster that appears to look like a small alien due to a distortion.

Exposure to BPA Linked to Development of Liver Tumors, Study Claims
Mar 05, 2013 12:29 PM EST

Researchers Help Eliminate Plin2 Gene in Mice to Stop Obesity, Could also be Used in Humans

Researchers found that eliminating certain genes in mice can help stop obesity that could possibly help humans.

Mar 05, 2013 11:59 AM EST

Ancient Ancestor of Camel Thrived in Canadian High Arctic

A large, ancient camel once lived in an unexpected location: the Canadian High Arctic.

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