
Mar 02, 2013 05:33 AM EST

Dyslexic Kids Improve Reading Skills with Video Games

A study published in the journal Current Biology state that, action video games help children suffering with dyslexia to improve their reading skills.

Fishes Migrate to Safer Grounds To Avoid Predators
Mar 02, 2013 05:24 AM EST

Fish Migrate to Safer Grounds to Avoid Predators

Researchers noticed that the roach fish, the commonest fish in the U.K. waters, migrate from lakes into the surrounding streams or wetlands in order to protect themselves from predators.

New Treatment Offer Complete Recovery Chance for Rare, Disabling Movement Disorder
Mar 02, 2013 03:48 AM EST

Pregnancy Permanently Alters Feet Size of Women

A new finding from the University of lowa confirms that during pregnancy, the feet flattens out and looseness of the joints increase. This change in the size and shape of the feet is irreversible.

milk jugs recycle plastic filament for 3D printers.
Mar 01, 2013 11:58 PM EST

Feed Your 3D-Printer With Used Milk Jugs

Made in China style plastic products can be produced at home with low-cost 3D-printers working with free open-source designs--but the source material, plastic filament, still has to be bought for good dollars. This could change with a new method for do-it-yourself recycling of polyethylene into 3D-p...

Mayon Volcano Spews Ash
Mar 01, 2013 09:19 PM EST

Volcanoes Behind Earth's Cooling; China and India Exonerated

Volcanoes have more impact on earth’s climate than previously thought, scientists at the University of Colorado have found.

Mar 01, 2013 08:21 PM EST

Facebook Touts 'New Look for News Feed' Coming March 7

Facebook will roll out a new look for its news feed at a media event on March 7 at its Menlo Park, California headquarters. The largest social networking site is seeking ways to refresh its look for its 1 billion users.

Mar 01, 2013 08:01 PM EST

Better Cancer Treatments may depend on Hospital Where Services are Received

Where you go for cancer treatment may make a difference on the outcome of your progress towards recovery.

Mar 01, 2013 07:33 PM EST

Endoscopic Examinations Safe, German Studies confirms that Colonoscopy Complications are Rare

For those afraid to take part in regular colonoscopy screenings, reports show that complications during the procedure are rare.

Mar 01, 2013 07:06 PM EST

Postmenopausal Women at Higher Risk for Losing Teeth due to Periodontal Disease

Postmenopausal women who smoke are at a higher risk for losing their teeth than women who don't or never have, according to a new study published and featured on the cover of the Journal of the American Dental Association by researchers at the University at Buffalo.

Space hedgehogs
Mar 01, 2013 06:56 PM EST

Mars Moon Phobos The Target For Future Hedgehog Rovers

As the Curiosity rover encountered the first technical issue in its mission on Mars's surface, with the main computer apparently crashed due to a radiation spike that caused corrupt data in the main memory, and the announcement of a manned mission to the red planet, there is another exploration proj...

Excess of Sugar Sweetened Soft Drinks Linked to Elevated Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
Mar 01, 2013 06:37 PM EST

Soft Drink Ban: Less Sugary Drinks may Curb Obesity in New York City

The ban is being done in the hopes to curb obesity in New York City. According to theNew England Journal of Medicine, a study showed that sugary drinks, such as soda, interacts with genes that affect weight amplifying a person's risk of obesity beyond what it would be based on your family's history...

Mar 01, 2013 06:01 PM EST

Alien Planet Photo: White Dwarfs Aid in Finding Extraterrestrial Life

We know they're out there, or at least, we like to pretend they are. And that's exactly what researchers at Harvard and Tel Aviv University are investigating right now. They've written about dying stars, otherwise known as white drarfs, in a recent study, that could be the key to alien planets.

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