
Consumption of Added Sugar Linked to Increased Risk of Death from Cardiovascular Disease
Feb 28, 2013 08:59 PM EST

Is Sugar Toxic?: No. 1 Killer in American Diet

Sugar seems so harmless, especially when we add a teaspoon or two in our coffee or cereal. However, according to reports, it might just be the no. 1 killer in your diet, contributing to problems such as cardiovascular disease, the leading cause of death in the U.S., cancer, aging, fatigue and many o...

Feb 28, 2013 05:42 PM EST

Agressive Hyper-Masculinity Advertisements Negatively Impact Target Group And Others

Does advertising influence society, or is it merely a reflection of society’s pre-existing norms? Where male attitudes are concerned, a new study implicates magazine advertisements specifically aimed at men as helping to reinforce a certain set of views on masculinity termed “hyper-masculinity.â...

Study Links Women’s Reproductive Function to Their Immune Status
Feb 28, 2013 03:06 PM EST

Syphilis Infects more than One Million Pregnant Women Worldwide, Leads to High Number of Prenatal Deaths (VIDEO)

Estimates show that syphilis affects large numbers of pregnant women worldwide and can, in turn, pose serious health problems to babies, including death.

Sugar Intake Tied to Memory Problems in Adolescent Rats
Feb 28, 2013 02:36 PM EST

Rats Communicate Through Their Linked Brains: The Future of Telepathy?

Rats linked by a cable were able to communicate using only their brain--despite being separated.

Feb 28, 2013 02:17 PM EST

Watch the Invisible Motion of Humans and Objects: Revealing a New Way to View the World (Video)

Watch the invisible motions of humans and objects that you wouldn't normally see with your naked eye using MIT's new technology.

Japan Tsunami
Feb 28, 2013 02:00 PM EST

Fukushima Nuclear Accident Reports Higher Risks of Cancer

The World Health Organization (WHO) reported, based on a 'Health Risk Assessment from the nuclear accident after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami based on preliminary dose estimation' that there is a greater risk for specific cancers in certain subsets of the population in Fukushima ...

Phytoplankton Bloom in the Barents Sea
Feb 28, 2013 01:34 PM EST

Earth's Ancient Toxic Ocean May Have Delayed Evolution

Earth's ancient, toxic ocean may have delayed evolution, according to a new study.

3-D Reconstruction of Enterovirus 71
Feb 28, 2013 01:21 PM EST

Viruses With Immune System Found, Indicates They Are Living Creatures

Astonishingly, a virus that exclusively attacks the cholera bacteria was caught having stolen the functional immune system of bacteria--and is even using it against its bacterial host. A study published this week in the journal Nature provides the first evidence that this type of virus, a bacterioph...

Green Bank Telescope
Feb 28, 2013 01:16 PM EST

Ingredients to DNA Discovered in Interstellar Space! Cosmic Origin of Life

Basic chemicals that are key to DNA have been found in interstellar space.

Drugs Used to Cure Lung Disease Works With Body Clock, Study Reveals
Feb 28, 2013 12:52 PM EST

National Lung Screening Could Help Prevent 12,000 Deaths Annually (VIDEO)

A recent screening could prevent the death of 12,000 smokers in the U.S. according to reports.

Space Station
Feb 28, 2013 12:31 PM EST

China to Launch Manned Spacecraft: Another Step Closer to a Space Station

China is planning on launching three men into space in an experimental space module this summer; it's the latest part of the country's ambitious plan to build a space station.

gas giant protoplanet HD 100546 ESO
Feb 28, 2013 12:16 PM EST

Giant Protoplanet Directly Observed For First Time

The planet formation process, until now only known from computer simulation, was possibly observed directly for the first time in a not too far away system by astronomers using ESO’s Very Large Telescope. A protoplanet similar to the gas giant Jupiter was detected to be embedded in a thick disc of...

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