
De Brazza Monkey Born at the Oregon Zoo
Mar 01, 2013 08:40 AM EST

De Brazza Monkey Born at Oregon Zoo

Zookeepers at the Oregon zoo welcomed a new baby monkey born to 22-year-old Brooke and 12-year-old Gus over the weekend.

Mar 01, 2013 08:38 AM EST

Past Antarctic Warming Linked to Greenhouse Gas: Carbon Dioxide has Future Implications

Antarctic warming in the past may have been caused by greenhouse gases, according to a new study.

Mars Rover Curiosity Eats First Rock Powder Samples
Mar 01, 2013 08:16 AM EST

Mars Rover Curiosity Eats First Rock Powder Samples

Mars rover Curiosity has ingested portions of the first samples collected from the inside of a Martian rock.

Resupply Launch
Mar 01, 2013 08:03 AM EST

Watch Spaceflight Company SpaceX Launch a Falcon Rocket for NASA Today! (Livestream)

The private spaceflight company, SpaceX, is launching its Dragon capsule today. Watch the show!

Scientists Discover Biggest Meteorite in East Antarctica for 25 years
Mar 01, 2013 07:54 AM EST

Scientists Discover Biggest Meteorite in East Antarctica in 25 years

An international team of scientists working at the Princess Elisabeth Antarctica research station have discovered an 18 kg meteorite embedded in the East Antarctica ice sheet, according to press reports. Since the year 1988 this is the largest meteorite discovered in this region.

Mar 01, 2013 07:39 AM EST

Babies Born to Obese Mothers at Higher Risk of Heart Disease

According to the study conducted by University of Sydney, babies born to mothers who are overweight or obese had a thickened lining in aorta, this a common sign of heart disease.

Animals Help Autistic Kids Interact Better: Study
Mar 01, 2013 06:42 AM EST

Animals Help Autistic Kids Interact Better: Study

An important discovery has been made by researchers at Queensland, Australia, stating that autistic kids benefit from exposure to animals, as exposure to animals can increase the positive social behavior in autistic children.

Study Links Eating Disorders to Miscarriages
Mar 01, 2013 05:45 AM EST

Morning Sickness Drug Zorfan Safe for Fetus

Popular anti-nausea drug ondansetron (brand name Zofran) does not cause any birth defects or risk to the growing fetus.

Mar 01, 2013 02:31 AM EST

BPA (bisphenol A) in Store Receipts and Cans Raises Risk For Childhood Asthma

Early childhood exposure to the chemical bisphenol A (BPA) carries an elevated risk for asthma in young children. BPA is a component of some plastics and is found in food can liners and store receipts.

van allen belts
Mar 01, 2013 01:58 AM EST

New Third Radiation Belt Around Earth Revealed by NASA's Van Allen Probe

NASA's Van Allen Probes mission has discovered a previously unknown third radiation belt around Earth, revealing the existence of unexpected structures and processes within these hazardous regions of space.

Feb 28, 2013 11:36 PM EST

Having Too Many Sons May Shorten Mothers Lives Compared to Daughters: Study

A new Finnish study say that women who have numerous boys don't live as long after the last birth of their son, compared to women who have many daughters.

Contraceptive Pills
Feb 28, 2013 10:09 PM EST

Birth: Special Program Helps Increase Birth Control Use in At-risk Teens

Teen pregnancy in the United States is the highest in the developed world, according to researchers. However, studies show that after completing an 18-month program designed to teach about contraception and healthy relationships, U.S. teens at high risk for pregnancy were found to be more likely to ...

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