
bac­te­r­ial cells (green) flowed through a chan­nel, form­ing a green biofilm
Mar 01, 2013 04:58 PM EST

Study Simulates How Medical Devices Are Rapidly Clogged by Bacteria

Princeton researchers used time-lapse imaging in a new study to exam­ine how bac­te­ria clog med­ical devices--which yielded a less pretty than usual time-lapse video. The microbes can be watched how they join to cre­ate slimy rib­bons that tan­gle and trap other pass­ing bac­te­ria, cre­...

Falcon 9 rocket carrying the Dragon spacecraft lifted off
Mar 01, 2013 03:21 PM EST

SpaceX Falcon 9 Launched But Experienced Minor Technical Problem

Commercial space company SpaceX successfully launched its Dragon space freighter on a second resupply mission to the International Space Station (ISS) on Friday, but the capsule experienced an issue with its thruster pods, NASA and SpaceX reported.

Mar 01, 2013 02:21 PM EST

FDA: Salmon Calcitonin May Cause Higher Risk of Cancer

A salmon hormone that's used to treat osteoporosis may not have enough benefits to outweigh the risk of cancer, according to the FDA.

Sahara Desert
Mar 01, 2013 01:52 PM EST

California Water Supply Affected by Atmospheric Sahara Desert Dust

California's water supply may be affected by dust from the Sahara Desert.

Mar 01, 2013 01:15 PM EST

Pregnancy Permanently Changes Foot Size, Feet Are Wider and Longer According to Iowa Study

A new study shows the pregnancy can change your life in more ways that expected, and that includes the size of your feet.

LINX device is a loop of magnetic, titanium beads heartburn symptoms
Mar 01, 2013 12:16 PM EST

Magnetic Titanium Implant Stopped Heartburn in Clinical Trial

A new kind of implant that consists of a loop of magnetic, titanium beads reestablishes the functionality of the esophageal sphincter and thus relieves chronic heartburn symptoms that standard treatment cannot, a clinical trial shows.

Mar 01, 2013 11:57 AM EST

Good Strain of Acne Bacteria--Propionibacterium --Could Help Clear Up Skin Problems

Researchers at Washington University and the University of California at Los Angeles have found that certain types of bacteria in acne can help clear up your skin.

Fossil Dinosaur
Mar 01, 2013 11:50 AM EST

New Baby Dinosaur Species Discovered! Prey to Ancient Crocodile

Scientists have discovered a new baby dinosaur species that was devoured by a now-extinct member of the crocodile family.

Curiosity Gears Up to Use Tools on Its Arms
Mar 01, 2013 11:19 AM EST

Mars Malfunction: Rover Curiosity's Computer Experiences Major Problems

Mars rover Curiosity experienced its first significant malfunction when one of its two onboard computers became corrupted and failed to turn off and enter "sleep mode."

Makapuu Point, Oahu, Hawaii
Mar 01, 2013 10:49 AM EST

Want to be Healthy? Move to Hawaii: Gallup Finds Residents Have Better Lives

Want to be healthy? Move to Hawaii. The state has been ranked as number one for the fourth year in a row for having the healthiest, happiest residents.

King Richard I
Mar 01, 2013 10:04 AM EST

King Richard I's Heart Reveals Key to Preservation: Organ Analyzed in Detail

The heart of King Richard I has been found, and researchers have now analyzed what was used to preserve it.

Mar 01, 2013 09:15 AM EST

Domesticated Bees Vanish: Farmers Should Cultivate Wild Insects Instead

In order to combat a lack of domesticated bees, farmers should cultivate wild insects.

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