
Feb 27, 2013 01:49 PM EST

Youth's Addiction Recovers Faster with Help of AA-Related Tool, 'Kindess is Contagious'

You know that saying that kindness is contagious? Well, turns out that is actually true-and good thing, too, since it can help youths suffering from addiction with their recovery process.

Feb 27, 2013 01:17 PM EST

Swine Flu Vaccine Linked to Sleep Disorder Risk in Children

The swine flu vaccine may be causing narcolepsy in children, according to a new study.

Stem Cell
Feb 27, 2013 01:02 PM EST

Stem Cells From Pigs Could Help Power Artificial Human Liver

There may be a silver lining-quite literally-for those suffering from chronic or acute liver failure. This health conditions causes toxins to take over the body that cause the skin to turn yellow and slow higher brain functions. However, in an interview with the American Society of Animal Science, r...

Carbon Nanotube Circuit
Feb 27, 2013 12:51 PM EST

First Complex Carbon Nanotube Circuits Demonstrated

Carbon nanotubes are one of of the most promising future nanomaterials and could among other applications enable the next exponential speed up of computer chips. While single transistors have already been made with the faster and more energy efficient material, it wasn't possible to scale-up the har...

Alien Sea Monster Discovered In New Jersey
Feb 27, 2013 12:37 PM EST

Alien Sea Monster Discovered in New Jersey

An eerie looking sea monster was found in the waters of the northern New Jersey.

Feb 27, 2013 12:37 PM EST

Pessimism May be Key to Living a Longer, Healthier Life

Are you pessimistic? You may live longer. A new study has found that older people who have low expectations for a satisfying future may be more likely to have longer, healthier lives than those who see brighter days ahead.

Domestic Violence More Common Among Same-Sex Couples
Feb 27, 2013 12:17 PM EST

Married Heterosexual Couples Healthier than Gay Couples

A study that appears in the journal of Health and Social Behavior states that same-sex couples that live together have worse health when compared to married heterosexual couples.

Feb 27, 2013 12:04 PM EST

Cleopatra's Sister: Bones Found Could Solve Murder Mystery (VIDEO)

Archaeologists certainly have an interesting job. They get to dig up bones of royals of the past-and that is certainly that case for a Viennese archaeologist who lectured in North Carolina this week. Their claim? To have identified none other than the bones of Cleopatra's murdered sister or half-sis...

Holograph Technology
Feb 27, 2013 11:43 AM EST

Firefighters Helped by Holograph Technology: New Tool Sees Through Flames

Firefighters may have a new tool when it comes to seeing through the thick veils of smoke and walls of flame that make battling fires so dangerous: holograph technology.

Helicoprion Teeth
Feb 27, 2013 11:33 AM EST

Mystery of Prehistoric Shark's Spiral Saw-like Teeth Finally Solved

For years, the saw-like spiral teeth of an ancient shark have baffled scientists. Now, they've finally discovered where these teeth were located and how they were used.

Breast Cancer Patients Fail to Meet Physical Activity Guidelines
Feb 27, 2013 11:11 AM EST

Metastatic Breast Cancer on the Rise in Women Over the Past Three Decades, Possibly Linked to Rising Obesity Rates

A national study found that the number of young women being diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer, meaning it has metastasized or spread to other parts of the body, has been slowly but steadily rising over the past three decades.

Child Sleep
Feb 27, 2013 10:04 AM EST

Go to Sleep! A Good Night's Rest Helps Learning in Children, According to a New Study

Ever wish you could learn while sleeping? Apparently you can. Sleep actually reinforces learning in children and turns subconsciously learned material into active knowledge, according to a new study.

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