
Pluto and its moons.
Feb 25, 2013 11:29 PM EST

Vulcan and Cerberus Win Public Vote to Name Pluto's Moons

That’s it. We’ve got a winner. Vulcan and Cerberus have been chosen by public vote as names for the two smaller Pluto’s moon.

Feb 25, 2013 10:52 PM EST

International Agreement On Asteroid Threat Cooperation

A United Nations Committee reacted very fast after the striking coincidences of the asteroid 2012 DA14 flying close to the Earth,and a large meteor crash in Russia's Chelyabinsk region on 15 February, agreeing on an international asteroid warning network just one week later.

Feb 25, 2013 09:40 PM EST

Higher Levels of Toxic Metals Found in Children with Autism

A recent study shows that many children with autism have higher levels of several toxic metals in their blood and urine compared to typical children.

Feb 25, 2013 08:35 PM EST

Stem Cells Found in Human Parasite, Schistosoma mansoni Renews Tissue (VIDEO)

Most would consider there to be anything special about a parasitic flatworm. In particular, for the Schistosoma mansoni, you might even consider this little thing flat out disgusting. It hatches in feces-tainted water, grows into a larva in the body of a snail and then burrows through human skin to ...

Planetary nebula ESO 456-67 ESA
Feb 25, 2013 05:11 PM EST

Another Eye Of Sauron Nebula

This planetary nebula, dryly called ESO 456-67, might evoke a much more colorful naming by some, owing to it resembling a fiery eye in the sky--and alluding to something from The Lord of the Rings.

organic solar cell heliatek
Feb 25, 2013 04:49 PM EST

Organic Solar Cell Marks World Record Efficiency For The 3rd-Gen Tech

Organic photovoltaics represent the third generation in the field of PV technology, similar to the organic display and lighting revolutions, and will enable flexible, beautiful, cheap, ubiquitous applications of the cells in the medium- to long-term.

Feb 25, 2013 03:14 PM EST

Blizzard Warnings: National Weather Service in Amarillo Calls Storm a 'Crippling, Historic Blizzard' (VIDEO)

This just in-do not travel, according to the National Weather Service in Amarillo, Tex. According to reports, weather services are calling for "a crippling, historic blizzard."

Coral Reef
Feb 25, 2013 02:48 PM EST

Coral Reefs May Suffer Worldwide Bleaching and Decline by 2056

There may be worldwide coral bleaching by the year 2056, according to the latest emissions scenarios and climate models.

White Dwarf
Feb 25, 2013 02:12 PM EST

Dying Stars Reveal the Clue to Extraterrestrial Life: Earth-like Planets Unmasked

Dying stars may hold the clues to extraterrestrial life and Earth-like planets, according to a new study.

Humboldt Penguin
Feb 25, 2013 01:41 PM EST

Vampire Bats Caught Preying on Penguin Chicks (Video)

Vampire bats have been caught on film sucking the blood from penguin chicks.

Technicians monitor data flow in the control room of an internet service provider in Tehran .
Feb 25, 2013 01:28 PM EST

Cyberwar: Anonymous Hacked U.S. Government Multiple Times

Notorious hacker group Anonymous announced (and proved) in the middle of February that it gained access to the State Department’s website and also captured a database, which was then published online.

Japan’s High Tech SatisToilet Vulnerable to Hacking
Feb 25, 2013 01:15 PM EST

Flood at Oscars: Pipes Burst in Woman's Bathroom of Dolby Theatre, Award Ceremony 'In the Toilet'

According to the New York Post, an apparent overflow in the women's bathroom caused a minor flood in the second floor of the Dolby Theatre just less than 45 minutes before the Oscars broadcast began.

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