
Feb 26, 2013 08:39 AM EST

Vitamin D and Calcium Supplements Don't Prevent Fractures in Women or Men

Vitamin D and calcium supplements may not help prevent fractures, according to a new report.

Sunset Hot
Feb 26, 2013 08:07 AM EST

Global Warming and Airflow Changes Linked to Extreme Weather

Global warming could be linked to more extreme weather events, according to new research.

Feb 26, 2013 07:40 AM EST

Hoop Nuts LLC of Van Nuys in California Recall Pistachios for Salmonella

These days, the amount of food recalls seen throughout the country is simply nuts. And unfortunately, today, we can add another one to the list--pistachios.

Feb 26, 2013 07:35 AM EST

Four New Species of Rove Beetle Disovered

A latest study published in the journal Zookeys states that four new species of rove beetles have been discovered in the Ningxia Autonomous Region, China.

Excess of Social Media Can Damage Strong Relationships
Feb 26, 2013 07:19 AM EST

Facebook Boosts Cognitive Function in Older Adults

A latest preliminary research finding from the University of Arizona suggests that Facebook helps in improving the mental abilities of older adults. Men and women above the age of 65 who learn to use Facebook notice a boost in cognitive functions.

World's Smallest Telescope Launched on Monday
Feb 26, 2013 07:07 AM EST

World's Smallest Satellites Launched in India

The world's smallest satellites weighing less than 15 pounds each were launched into orbit Feb. 25, 2013 from an Indian spaceport.

Astronomers Track the Origin of Russian Meteor
Feb 26, 2013 05:42 AM EST

Astronomers Track the Origin of Russian Meteor

Astronomers from the University of Antioquia in Medellin, Colombia have traced the origin of the meteorite that fell in Central Russia and Urals regions injuring over thousand people earlier this month.

Kids With Mental Health Problems Wrongly Diagnosed With Physical Illness
Feb 26, 2013 04:22 AM EST

Ultrasound can Detect Risk of Autism at Birth: Study

A study conducted by researchers at the Michigan State University suggests that ultrasound tests may be helpful in determining the child's risk for autism.

Feb 26, 2013 03:53 AM EST

Number of Men Entering into Nursing Field Tripled Since 1970, Women Still Paid Less in Profession

It's comforting to know that in some professions, we're women are making some serious headway towards greater equality. A new study shows that this is especially the case for nursing. A profession once thought to just be a woman's career has more than tripled for men since 1970.

Love Hormone 'Oxytocin' Increases Emotional Oversensitivity In off-label users
Feb 26, 2013 03:27 AM EST

Lack of Sleep Dramatically Alters Genes

A latest study conducted by researchers at the University of Surrey has come up with an alarming finding which states that inadequate sleep alters the activity of hundreds of human genes. These are the genes that are associated with response to stress, immunity and controlling inflammation.

Exposure to BPA Linked to Development of Liver Tumors, Study Claims
Feb 26, 2013 03:10 AM EST

New Findings in Mice Discover Bone Marrow may Help Chemotherapy, Stem Cell Transplants

New findings in mice suggest that it may be possible, according to recent research conducted by Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, to therapeutically target support cells in a particular niche.

Francis Crick, Nobel Prize winner for figuring out the double-helix structure of DNA.
Feb 26, 2013 12:10 AM EST

Nobel Prize for Discovering DNA is Put to Sale by Family of Scientist

In 1953, a terse paper titled “Molecular Structure of Nucleic Acids,” was published in the journal Nature. The world was never the same after that.

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