
Curiosity Drill
Feb 05, 2013 08:31 AM EST

NASA's Curiosity Rover Drills into Mars in Crucial Test

NASA's Mars rover Curiosity has officially drilled into the Red Planet.

Study Links Higher Estrogen Levels to Sudden Cardiac Death
Feb 05, 2013 07:48 AM EST

High Dose of Calcium Linked to Increased Heart Disease Death in Men

A latest study finds a strong correlation between high intake of supplemental calcium and increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) death in men, but the same is absent in women.

Stress Lowers Quality of Sperm and Fertility
Feb 05, 2013 07:35 AM EST

Sperm Count Affected by Level of Physical Activity

A recent study suggests that men who watch television for more than 20 hours weekly have a lesser sperm count when compared to those who exercise and remain active.

Bird Flu
Feb 05, 2013 06:59 AM EST

China's Thick Smog Now Clouds Japan

As China begins to see some hope of the smog reducing, problems for Japan increase, with the toxic smog slowly finding its way to the island nation.

NASA’s Super Tiger Balloon Breaks Record of Heavy Lift Scientific Balloon
Feb 05, 2013 05:36 AM EST

NASA’s Super-TIGER Balloon Breaks Record of Heavy Lift Scientific Balloon

NASA's Super-TIGER balloon, a large science balloon, has set a record for the longest flight of its kind carrying an instrument that had the capacity to detect 50 million cosmic rays.

Feb 05, 2013 04:09 AM EST

Modern Humans and Neanderthals Never Co-Existed: Study

The latest findings cast doubts on the previously held theory that lasted for 20 years stating modern humans and Neanderthals co-existed and had supposedly interbred.

Insects Groom Their Antennae to Sharpen Senses
Feb 05, 2013 02:56 AM EST

Insects Groom their Antennae to Sharpen Senses

A latest study conducted by researchers at the University of North Carolina State University shows that insects spend an ample amount of time in cleaning their antennae in order to sustain sharp olfactory senses. This helps in hunting down their prey, sensing danger and locating a suitable mate.

superconducting links CERN
Feb 04, 2013 08:44 PM EST

LHC to Increase Power Fivefold by 2020 With New Superconducting Technology

The largest scientific instrument ever built, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), will be upgraded to become five times more powerful until 2020. Major advancements in the required cutting-edge superconducting technology, in particular for the new high-field magnets and the high-power links, made in 20...

Trucks Involved in 11 Percent Fatal Road Crashes in U.S.: Study
Feb 04, 2013 05:49 PM EST

22 Killed in Collision: Road Accident Second Cause of Death in UAE

As of Monday, at least 22 people were killed when a truck laden with gravel collided with a busy transporting 46 Asian migrant workers in the oasis town of al-Ain in the United Arab Emirates, according to police.

photoreceptor mosaic
Feb 04, 2013 05:00 PM EST

Full-color Vision Restoring Stem Cells Identified For First time

Stem cells could be used selectively to restore different functions of vision as needed, implies new research findings by University of Alberta scientists. The two most important photoreceptors are rods and cones, which in humans enable night vision, and full-color daytime vision, respectively. Whil...

Feb 04, 2013 04:47 PM EST

Oldest Crabs Found: Eight New Species of Crustaceans Discovered in Northern Spain

According to scientists reports, eight new species of crustaceans, including the oldest known spider crabs that lived 100 million years ago, have been discovered in a fossil reef in northern Spain.

Police Dog
Feb 04, 2013 03:47 PM EST

Black Dahlia Case: Trained Police Dog Confirms Past

Recent investigation has shown there may be a new twist to the Black Dahlia murder.

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