
KUBIK space incubator
Feb 04, 2013 03:34 PM EST

Biological Space Experiment at ISS Sheds Light on Immune System

A key part in the mechanism activating the human immune system has been identified by researchers thanks to an experiment conducted on board the International Space Station (ISS). The finding could help to pro-actively our immune system earlier and more specifically in order to quell diseases before...

Feb 04, 2013 02:54 PM EST

New GreatO Premium Ground Beef Enriched with Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Thanks to Kansas State University professor of animal sciences and industry, Jim Drouillard, people can soon enjoy a healthy diet including a hamburger rich with omega-3 fatty acids.

Feb 04, 2013 02:21 PM EST

Scientists Discover Why Sun's Corona is Much Hotter Than Its Surface

Scientists may be able to answer why the sun's corona is so much hotter than its surface.

Mars Express
Feb 04, 2013 02:13 PM EST

Mars Surface Now 90% Mapped in 3D

Mapping the surface of Mars in 3D is now 90% finished by the high-resolution stereo camera on the European Space Agency's Mars Express, about 9 years after the orbital insertion of the satellite.

TB Vaccine
Feb 04, 2013 01:58 PM EST

Tuberculosis Vaccine MVA85A Fails To Protect Babies in South Africa

A promising booster vaccine for Tuberculosis resulted in failure after more than a decade of testing.

Excess of Social Media Can Damage Strong Relationships
Feb 04, 2013 01:37 PM EST

Unfriending Facebook Friends May Have Consequences

Unfriending your friends on Facebook may have more consequences than you once thought, according to a new study.

Feb 04, 2013 12:49 PM EST

Scientists Discover New Kind of Flying Pterosaur

A new kind of pterosaur has been discovered by scientists.

Synthetic Marijuana
Feb 04, 2013 12:22 PM EST

Fake Pot Wrecked Teen’s Brain

According to recent reports from, Houston-area teenager, 16-year-old, Emily Bauer, was hospitalized after ingesting a lesser-known form of marijuana.

Hello Kitty
Feb 04, 2013 11:46 AM EST

Hello Kitty Takes a Trip to Outer Space, Thanks to Seventh Grader (Video)

Seventh grader Lauren Rojas sent her Hello Kitty doll into the lowest reaches of outer space.

Camouflaged nanoparticles
Feb 04, 2013 11:36 AM EST

Camouflaged Nanoparticles That Avoid Immune Rejection Developed

A key challenge in the field of Nanomedicine is now getting tackled by scientists cloaking nanoparticles, which could become very useful in advanced drug delivery, in the membranes of white blood cells in order to protect them from being rapidly destroyed by the bodies immune system.

Feb 04, 2013 11:06 AM EST

Vegetables Biggest Culprit in Foodbourne Illnesses

Who would have pegged leafy greens as the culprit for making the most people sick?

Feb 04, 2013 10:50 AM EST

Watch Mercury and Mars Appear in the Night Sky: Don't Miss Out!

Mercury and Mars are due to make an appearance right before Valentine’s Day in our night skies.

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