
Switzerland Based Russian Owned Rocket Sea Launch AG Launch Fails
Feb 02, 2013 09:34 PM EST

Switzerland Based Russian Owned Sea Launch AG Launch Fails

On Friday, Ukrainian-Russian owned rocket launcher Sea Launch AG confirmed that its latest launch trial failed and has plunged into the Pacific Ocean.

2 Southern California Sushi Chefs Indicted For Allegedly Selling Endangered Whale Meat
Feb 02, 2013 09:28 PM EST

2 Southern California Sushi Chefs Indicted For Allegedly Selling Endangered Whale Meat

A former Santa Monica sushi restaurant 'Hump' which closed its door on 20th March 2010 after twelve years of business and two sushi chefs employees who were employees of Hump, were indicted by a federal grand jury for selling endangered Sei whale meat. This announcement was made by the U.S Attorney...

One Quarter of Sharks and Stingrays to Face Extinction within Few Decades: IUCN
Feb 02, 2013 09:28 PM EST

Researchers Take a Look Into Shark Bite

A groundbreaking research is conducted by a team of international scientists who are working on providing better medical treatment methods for victims of shark bites

Having a Difficulty in Controlling Your Impulse? Take a Modafinil
Feb 02, 2013 09:27 PM EST

Having a Difficulty in Controlling Your Impulse? Take a Modafinil

In a latest finding the researchers at the University of Amsterdam offer some help to those who have poor impulse control. The drug modafinil (Provigil)may help some people to reduce drinking by improving their impulse control.

UK's Moth Numbers Declined in 40 Years
Feb 02, 2013 09:27 PM EST

UK's Moth Numbers Declined in 40 Years

UK's larger moths had crashed during the past 40 years and over the last decade three species have gone extinct. In the last 10 years the Orange Upperwing, Brighton Wainscot, and Bordered Gothic became extinct.

Feb 02, 2013 08:37 PM EST

Condom App, Durex Rolls Out Delivery Service

It might just be a dream come true for those who need to get down to business but don't have the proper equipment.

Feb 02, 2013 07:07 PM EST

Fried Foods Present Greater Risk for Prostate Cancer

We may love our fattening foods, but packing on a few pounds isn't the only health concern that comes with fried foods, especially for men.

microchip computer
Feb 02, 2013 06:38 PM EST

Nanoscale 3D Spintronic Memory Chip Created for First Time

Scientists constructed an experimental version of a new kind of nanoscale 3D microchip that allows to store data in many layers upwards and without transistors, both a radically new way of building memory chips. On top of that, the Cambridge scientists used a spintronic (spin transport electronic) c...

Feb 02, 2013 03:12 PM EST

Scientists Create Living Crystals: The Key to Self-Repairing Materials (Video)

Scientists have created "living" crystals by using a blue-violet light.

Feb 02, 2013 02:31 PM EST

Japan Earthquake: Hits Off Northern Coast

This Saturday, reports from a U.S. Geological Survey show that a hard earthquake hit the northern region of Japan.

Super Bowl Snacks
Feb 02, 2013 01:25 PM EST

Super Bowl 2013: High Calorie Diet Disaster

The Super Bowl is tomorrow, and associated with it are some of the most high calorie foods out there. But how many calories do those buffalo wings really have?

Consumption of Added Sugar Linked to Increased Risk of Death from Cardiovascular Disease
Feb 02, 2013 12:03 PM EST

Study Links Excess of Sugar to Diabetes

Another study shows a strong correlation between sugar and cancer. If you want to cut yourself from these diseases then you have to limit your daily sugar consumption. This comes as a warning for the diabetic population who are at a higher risk of suffering from pancreatic or colon cancer.

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