
Feb 01, 2013 08:30 AM EST

Russian Zenit Rocket Fails at Launch and Crashes into Pacific (Video)

A Rusian-Ukrainian Zenit-3SL rocket carrying a U.S. satellite crashed into the Pacific Ocean about 40 seconds after lifting up from a platform.

24 New Species of Flower Fly Detected
Feb 01, 2013 07:55 AM EST

24 New Species of Flower Fly Detected

A team of Spanish researchers have described 24 new insect species. This discovery was made after conducting a 10-year study in forests of the American continent.

Rare Penguin Spotted at Bowen Island
Feb 01, 2013 07:32 AM EST

Rare Penguin Spotted at Bowen Island

A rare piebald chick was recently spotted at the penguin breeding colony on Bowne Island, at Jervis Bay on the NSW South Coast.

Cassini Watches Storm That Fizzled When It Ran into Its Own Tail
Feb 01, 2013 07:02 AM EST

Cassini Watches Storm that Fizzled when it Ran into its Own Tail

Scientists from Cassini mission watched a massive storm that engulfed Saturn and fizzled when it ran into its own tail. This is the first time scientists have observed a massive storm consume itself in this way anywhere in the solar system.

Antarctica Ozone Layer Thinning Alters Ocean Circulation: Study
Feb 01, 2013 05:40 AM EST

Antarctica Ozone Layer Thinning Alters Ocean Circulation: Study

A breakthrough discovery made by a Johns Hopkins earth scientist shows that the hole in the Antarctic ozone layer has triggered major alterations in the southern oceans, reports the official website. These changes can alter the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere and thereby have a severe impact on clim...

Novel Material Developed to Keep Bacteria From Attaching to Ship Hulls
Feb 01, 2013 02:45 AM EST

'Twitching' Material Developed to Keep Bacteria from Attaching to Ship Hulls

Engineers at the Duke University have developed a new material that can be coated like paint on the hull of a ship and sheds the unwanted accumulation of bacteria and other marine growth by shaking them off.

Underwater Robots Used to Detect Underwater Hidden Faults
Feb 01, 2013 02:20 AM EST

Underwater Robots Used to Detect Underwater Hidden Faults

By using a recent technology available for underwater imaging, MBARI geologist Charlie Paul along with his colleagues at the U.S. Geological Survey have successfully detected underwater faults that are hidden beneath the ocean waves and sand, and are difficult to observe and study.

Jan 31, 2013 09:20 PM EST

Foul Smelling Whale Vomit Found on Beach Worth $160,000

A man walking along the beach in the U.K. came across a big, smelly rock which his dog refused to let them leave behind. The owner is now very glad he did because it turns out he could get close to $160,000 for it.

Jan 31, 2013 09:05 PM EST

Google Seeks Next Big Thing Via Annual Science Fair [DETAILS]

Google is searching for the next big thing using its third annual Google Science Fair where students ages 13-18 can submit their ideas to change the world via their online application.

Daughters Offer Much Care as Possible to Elderly Parents
Jan 31, 2013 05:27 PM EST

Eat Less Salt; They Changed the Scales Again

Just when you thought you'd lowered your sodium intake to the right amount, they changed the scales again

Lunar Base 3d printer ESA
Jan 31, 2013 05:08 PM EST

Lunar Base Architecture Erected by 3D Printing

The idea to use a 3D printer for building lunar base structures from local materials is not just hypothetical anymore, but is now in the process of being experimentally tested by an ESA project. The tools and possible architecture were explored and tested on moon-like material with industrial partne...

Mother and child
Jan 31, 2013 04:41 PM EST

Baby Born with Brain Seeping Through Skull Undergoes Reconstructive Surgery

With the help of surgeon's from Boston Children's Hospital, a baby born missing a piece of his skull was given a second-chance at life.

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